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News and Comment September 2011

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15 August (Part 1) - An open and honest council

No of course it is not Bexley but anyone who has lost faith in councils because of the vindictive and criminal antics employed locally may care to watch this video, the first twelve minutes of Richmond council in session, something which you cannot see in Bexley because Bexley council voted against implementing the Secretary of State’s guidance.

It also has some illuminating comments on how to keep both motorists and traders happy with a number of sensible initiatives - none of which have been applied by Bexley council which only knows how to wage war on motorists.

The Nigel Wise praised by Councillor Lord True, the leader of Richmond council, is the same Nigel Wise who was quoted here two days ago. The same Nigel Wise who wrote to councillor Craske and Greg Tippett his parking manager and was rewarded only with various refusals to engage with him. As always Bexley council has something to hide which prevents them from answering enquiries. I was informed by NoToMob earlier this week that there is every reason to believe that Bexley council is operating its camera cars with defective certification, the same failure to observe the law that led to Richmond council’s problems.


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