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News and Comment September 2011

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7 September (Part 2) - The Harassment letter - who dunnit?

It’s taken long enough, they could have told us by the 14th April, but it has taken several reminders and in the end a complaint to the Information Commissioner and five months to squeeze an answer out of Bexley council. They really do like their secrets don’t they? Are they ashamed of everything they do? Probably. Anyway I’ll keep you waiting no longer, it was Will Tuckley our grotesquely overpaid Chief Executive that did the dirty deed. I suppose I should allow him that he may well have been put in an arm-lock by our dear leader Teresa O’Neill, but whatever the case we now know my site visitor statistics were boosted by someone from the top not some nobody of a councillor. Thanks to all those who worked behind the scenes trying to root out this news and the well known local personalities who variously labelled Tuckley’s decision as “heavy handed”, “a bit mad” and “sinister”. Obscene blog author next?

Council’s Freedom of Information response in full.


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