New Freedom of Information requests
The following FOI has gone to Bexley council about the super-sensitive
super-painter councillor Melvin Seymour…
Melvyn Seymour Decorative Services of 29 Glebelands, Crayford has been
endorsed by Bexley council, complete with logo and Listening to You slogan, on
the website run by Siteon Ltd. (
Under the conditions imposed by the Freedom of Information Act please let me know…
1) What were the criteria by which Melvyn Seymour Decorative Services of 29
Glebelands, Crayford was chosen for endorsement?
The address 29 Glebelands, Crayford, DA1 5RY is shown in the Register of
Members' Interests alongside the name of councillor Melvin Seymour.
2) Is the Melvyn Seymour endorsed by Bexley council the same Melvin Seymour
(note spelling) who is a Bexley councillor?
3) The property at 29 Glebelands is not shown as 'Mixed use' on the Council tax
valuation list. Is that address registered for residential or business use?
4) How many businesses in total has Bexley council registered on the
traderregister website?
5) How many painter and decorator businesses has Bexley council registered on
the traderregister website?
The FOI proposed on
4th November has also been submitted.
Old Freedom of Information requests
There are currently three FOIs that I am aware of in which the Information Commissioner (IC) has instructed Bexley council to release information. In two cases the time limit imposed by the IC has expired and a further report on Bexley council’s refusal to obey the law of the land has gone back to the Information Commissioner. The time allowed for the third has not yet expired.
Excessive salaries
Yesterday’s Evening Standard reported that Eric Pickles’ Parliamentary Private Secretary said “It is unacceptable for councils to treat residents as cash cows to boost their bank balances” and “We have been quite clear that if local authorities cut out excessive chief executive pay, share back offices, join forces to procure, and root out wild overspends they can avoid raising charges”. Teresa O’Neill the leader of Bexley council has made it very clear that she disagrees and even the Labour opposition has said that they consider Will Tuckley should be paid the same as the chief of the Civil Service, Gus O’Donnell. You would think that Will Tuckley runs the Ministries of Defence, Health, Transport and all the rest of them and not just empty a few dustbins, lend out a few books and fill a pothole or two. Labour in Bexley are just as mired in the feathering of nests, incompetence and cover ups as the Conservatives. Yesterday’s revelations about Bauer show them all to be tarred with the same brush.
Bexleyheath police’s failure to investigate the complaint against DI Keith Marshall was sent to the Independent Police Complaints Commission yesterday and extended to include CI Tony Gowen and CS Dave Stringer. The complaint may be read in letter form here although it was submitted electronically as a text file.
Site visitors
Last Thursday the number of unique visitors to Bexley is Bonkers reached an all
time high. That record was beaten on Friday and soundly beaten again yesterday. I
suspect we have councillors Seymour and Bauer to thank for that.
Unique visitors over the past two months ending Monday 7th November. The regular dips are weekends.
The vertical axis has been squashed - or stretched - to inhibit linkage with
real numbers.