2 November (Part 2) - Council meeting tonight
waited for sixteen weeks for this evening’s council meeting, more than enough
time for councillors to have perfected the choreography of their rare public
performance, for if anyone believes a Bexley council meeting to be open
democracy in action they are sorely deluded. Their Agenda begins with the words
(in bold type), “Audio/visual recording of this meeting is not permitted without
prior approval of the Chairman”. No one mentions that all requests to be allowed
to follow government guidance on filming are turned down. No exceptions. Indeed
anyone who tries is likely to end up in Court.
The council has rejected questions submitted by the public with a variety of
reasons aimed at putting the lid on democratic debate. There is one exception
designed to give a platform to councillor Perrior. John Ault asks her to “remind
members briefly what their responsibilities are as Corporate Parents”. Sounds
like an obvious plant by the one time Tory candidate for Erith to me. Another
example of Bexley council’s despicable underhand trickery and the depths to
which Tories like John Ault and
David Leaf before him are willing to lower themselves.
The only likely opportunity for ‘fireworks’ will be councillor Kerry Allon’s petition
against ASDA opening a store in Belvedere. I’m not sure where I stand on that
one. It would be good to be able to walk to a supermarket, my nearest at the
moment is more than 2½ miles away, but on the other hand the local roads are
totally unfit (thanks to deliberate narrowing by Bexley council) for the traffic
we have now, let alone more; and I wouldn’t like to see the end of the
pharmacist, newsagent and excellent electrical store there at present.
Picture (Mayor Sams and Chief Executive Will Tuckley) from the Sidcup Chronicle.
Their photographer has a wicked sense of humour.