6 March (Part 2) - Why would anyone risk being seen as a paedophiles friend?
newspapers are full of criticism of Prince Andrew for having a convicted
sex offender for a friend. Obviously he is now going to run fast in the opposite
direction; very wise too. Did you know we may have a similar situation here in Bexley? No
one is convicted yet but there has been an arrest and charge.
It all came to light down at Bexley councils
Thames Innovation Centre which is part of
councillor Colin Campbells (St. Marys, £22,650) domain. Well not to light
exactly it wasnt broadcast from the rooftops. The story is that a female
council employee whispered her concerns to her line manager who unfortunately
for her was up to no good himself. The report escalated to Campbell who said all
was well and sacked the whistleblower just to be on the safe side. He subsequently
heard her appeal and threw that out too; no surprise there, judge, jury and
executioner all wrapped up in one is how democracy works in Bexley.
Before the sacking however the Innovation Centre manager was arrested for child
pornography offences so its not as though Campbell didnt know the
whistleblower had a point but as we have seen he went ahead with her sacking and
for good measure kept on the manager who the police evidently thought was
a bad un. Not even a suspension on full pay. Unlike the Prince who has the
sense to run away fast, Campbell gave support to the accused. Is Campbell totally witless
or is he in hock to wrong-doers who have a hold over him?
Things have now moved on, Campbells right hand man is awaiting committal for
trial at Woolwich Crown Court while the whistleblower languishes jobless
trying to pick up the pieces of her life.
A council insider phoned me last week to say that Campbell is one of the
protected. It was explained that he has been a councillor for so long that he
knows all the dirty dealings of fellow councillors and vice-versa. They are all
in it as deeply as each other and there is no hope left for honesty. I dont
know about that but I wouldnt be surprised. Maybe the court will shed a little
light on things and whatever else is yet to befall councillor Colin Campbell.