15 June (Part 2) - Seems I was a bit hasty…
I received a letter from Mr. Tuckley this afternoon; why he chose to use
Royal Mail, UKMail to be pedantic, rather than drop me a brief email I do not
know but he has confirmed that he regards recent events as being a police
matter. I suspect I shall be slaughtered by some of my close colleagues for
saying this, but I am happy with his response for the time being. He was not
exactly quick on the draw but he got there in the end and his situation is not
one I envy. Some will say I am being naive and his response will be
part of a stitch up with the police but we will have to cross that bridge when we get to it.
Meanwhile The Linda Piper Show The News Shopper covers
developments on Page 7 of today’ issue. Not strong on detail but then an obscene
blog is not something that could be adequately described in a ‘family’ newspaper.