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News and Comment July 2011

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25 July (Part 1) - Boris in Bexley - An alternative view

An alternative view of last Thursday’s Boris Johnson Roadshow may be read on one of the Greenwich blogs, 853, so named after the local telephone code. The author covers some different ground to that recorded a few days ago though some might think he attempts to paint Bexley residents as racists.

He reports that Teresa O’Neill “received a gentle round of clapping” when denying a stabbing at the Danson Festival. Apparently that proved the audience was racist because the questioner “won applause” and used to be a prominent member of the BNP.

How would the audience know the man was once a member of the BNP? I didn’t and on 853’s own admission the man did not identify himself. According to the blogger, “Playing to prejudices still wins friends around these parts”. Read the blog and make up your own mind.


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