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Bexley councillors - Surname Sequence

2019 - 2020

(A) Leader of the Council (B) Deputy Leader (C) Leader of the Opposition (D) Cabinet Member (E) Scrutiny Committee Chairman (F) Scrutiny Committee Vice-Chairman (G) Scrutiny Committee Opposition Spokesman (H) Planning Committee Chairman (I) Planning Committee Vice-Chairman (J) Planning Committee Opposition Spokesman (K) Licensing Committee Chairman (L) General Purposes Committee Chairman (M) Pensions Committee Chairman (N) Audit Committee Chairman (O) Mayor (P) Deputy Mayor (Q) Expenses claimed

Two married couples are linked by coloured backgrounds. (Down from six!)

Cllr. Ward Party Pay Appointments
Esther Amaning
Esther Amaning
Thamesmead East Labour £9,606
Cheryl Bacon
Cheryl Bacon
Sidcup Tory Logo £9,606
Gareth Bacon
Gareth Bacon
Longlands Tory Logo £9,606

Greater London Authority Assembly Member and Chairman of the London Fire Authority.
Linda Bailey
Linda Bailey
Crook Log Tory Logo £9,606

Chairman: Code of Conduct Committee
Struck a member of the public outside the council chamber. Explained it by saying “I can do what I like”.
Nigel Betts
Nigel Betts
Tory Logo £9,606
£3,060 (F)

Vice-Chairman: Places Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Brian Bishop
Brian Bishop
Barnehurst Tory Logo £9,606
Chairman: Civic Recognition Panel

Mayor: 2018-2019
Christine Bishop
Christine Bishop
Crayford Tory Logo £9,606
Deputy Mayor 2018-2019
Stefano Borella
Stefano Borella
Slade Green
Labour Logo £9,606

Opposition Spokesman for Places
Sybil Camsey
Sybil Camsey
Crook Log Tory Logo £9,606
Mayor: 2015-2016
Christine Catterall
Christine Catterall
East Wickham Tory Logo £9,606
Val Clark
Val Clark
Tory Logo £9,606
£2,769 (I)

Vice-Chairman: Planning Committee
Chairman: Transport Users’ Sub-Committee

Mayor: 2010-2011
Self appointed God’s gift to chairmanship.
Peter Craske
Peter Craske
Tory Logo £9,606
£13,730 (B)

Cabinet Member for Places
Indirectly responsible for this site existing having reigned over a network of lies, deceit and incompetence in connection with a road redesign that adversely affects me daily. According to a local newspaper he personally intervened to ensure that a local resident who had offended him was put to an unnecessary extra expense of £550. Imposed a near tripling of residents’ parking charges while refusing all requests to justify the increase with detailed figures.

Famously, his home telephone line was the source of on-line obscenities posted to the web but he denied he was responsible for them. Bexley police, the council’s Chief Executive and the Crown Prosecution Service met to “resolve his situation”.
John Davey
John Davey
West Heath Tory Logo £9,606
Vice-Chairman: Transport Users’ Sub-Committee
Deputy Mayor

The man who named this website by telling me that council road planning was “completely bonkers”.

Richard Diment
Sidcup Tory logo £9,606

Vice-Chairman: Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Chairman: Appeals Committee
Andy Dourmoush
Andy Dourmoush
Longlands Tory Logo £9,606
£9,159 (F)

Chairman: Resources and Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Vice-Chairman: General Purposes and Audit Committee
Alan Downing
Alan Downing
St. Mary’s
St. James
Tory Logo £9,606
£9,159 (F)

Chairman: Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Mayor: 2012-2013
Joe Ferreira
Joe Ferreira
Erith Labour Logo £9,606

Opposition Spokesman for Resources and Growth
Daniel Francis
Daniel Francis
Belvedere Labour £9,606
£13,730 (C)

Leader of the Opposition
Louie French
Louie French
Tory Logo £9,606
£18,308 (B)

Deputy Leader of the Council
Cabinet Member for Growth
Chairman: Pensions Committee
Vice-Chairman: Top Management Review Panel
Vice-Chairman: Constitution Review Panel

Note: Only the highest of multiple allowances is paid.
John Fuller
John Fuller
Northumberland Heath Tory Logo £9,606
£13,730 (D)

Cabinet Member for Education

Sue Gower MBE
Bexleyheath Tory £9,606
Danny Hackett
Danny Hackett
Thamesmead East Independent £9,606 Independent
Steven Hall
Steven Hall
East Wickham Tory Logo £9,606
£2,715 (M)

Chairman: Pensions Committee
Vice-Chairman: Resources and Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Sally Hinkley
Belvedere Labour £9,606
James Hunt
James Hunt
Tory Logo £9,606
Deputy Mayor

Howard Jackson
Barnehurst Tory £9,606
Brenda Langstead
Brenda Langstead
Slade Green
Labour Logo £9,606  
David Leaf
David Leaf
Tory Logo £9,606
£13,730 (D)

Cabinet Member for Resources
Geraldine Lucia-Hennis
Geraldene Lucia-Hennis
Crayford Tory Logo £9,606
Cafer Munur
Cafer Munur
Tory Logo £9,606
£9,159 (E)

Chairman: Children’s and Adult’ Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Caroline Newton
Caroline Newton
East Wickham Tory Logo £9,606
Mabel Ogundayo
Mabel Ogundayo
Thamesmead East Labour £9,606

Opposition Spokesman for Communities
Nick O'Hare
Nick O’Hare
Tory Logo £9,606

Chairman: General Purposes and Audit Committee
Teresa O'Neill
Teresa O’Neill
Crook Log Tory Logo £9,606
£27,457 (A)

Leader of the Council
Chairman: Top Management Review Panel
Chairman: Constitution Review Panel

After the former leader, the disgraced Ian Clement, abused his expense account and council credit card, various Freedom of Information requests indicated a massive cover-up including an email giving instructions on how to hide things from the auditors. Teresa O’Neill refused all requests by those pursuing the truth to meet them or otherwise respond to their enquiries.
Reported this blog to Bexley police and provided a totally false story to justify it. Bexley police responded and as a result fell foul of an IPCC investigation. No police officer was disciplined and no one was charged with Misconduct in Public Office.
Deliberately ignored the Data Protection Act 1998 by authorising the publication of personal information of residents she didn’t like on the council’s website.
Protected land behind her own house by leaving it designated ‘Educational Land’ long after a school no longer required it. It was therefore not considered among other parks for possible sale.
Eileen Pallen
Eileen Pallen
Bexleyheath Tory Logo £9,606

Vice-Chairman: Children’s and Adult’ Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Vice-Chairman: Licensing Committee

Mayor: 2016-2017

Wendy Perfect
Northumberland Heath Labour £9,606

Opposition Spokesman for Children’s and Adult’s Services
Deputy Leader of the Opposition

Dave Putson
Belvedere Labour £9,606
Philip Read
Philip Read
West Heath Tory Logo £9,606
£13,730 (D)

Cabinet Member for Children’s Services
Falsely accused a local blogger resulting in the blogger spending 24 hours in a police cell.
Peter Reader
Peter Reader
West Heath Tory Logo £9,606
£9,159 (H)

Chairman: Planning Committee
Chairman: Civic Recognition Panel

Mayor: 2017-2018
Alex Sawyer
Alex Sawyer
St. Mary’s
St. James
Tory Logo £9,606
£13,730 (B)

Cabinet Member for Communities
Married to Conservative MP for Witham, Essex, Ms. Priti Patel. Ms. Patel employs Bexley Conservative councillor David Leaf as her research assistant.
Melvin Seymour
Melvin Seymour
Crayford Tory Logo £9,606
£9,159 (E)

Chairman: Places Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Reported a blogger for comments made on Twitter but exaggerated them very considerably. Blogger found guilty because of that gross exaggeration of the documentary evidence. These exaggerations were repeated from the witness box at a successful appeal hearing. No action taken on perjury.
June Slaughter
June Slaughter
Sidcup Tory Logo £9,606

Chairman: Licensing Committee
Brad Smith
Brad Smith
Bexleyheath Tory Logo £9,606
£13,730 (D)

Cabinet Member for Adults’ Services

Nicola Taylor
Erith Labour £9,606

Adam Wildman
Labour £9,606
Vice-Chairman: Pensions Committee

(A) Leader of the Council (B) Deputy Leader (C) Leader of the Opposition (D) Cabinet Member (E) Scrutiny Committee Chairman (F) Scrutiny Committee Vice-Chairman (G) Scrutiny Committee Opposition Spokesman (H) Planning Committee Chairman (I) Planning Committee Vice-Chairman (J) Planning Committee Opposition Spokesman (K) Licensing Committee Chairman (L) General Purposes Committee Chairman (M) Pensions Committee Chairman (N) Audit Committee Chairman (O) Mayor (P) Deputy Mayor (Q) Expenses claimed

Two married couples are linked by coloured backgrounds. (Down from six!)


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