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Email from Deputy Director of Human Resources to Nick Dowling

14 March 2013

Dear Mr. Dowling,

Complaint against Mr. Kevin Fox made on 21st February

Your complaint of 21st February has been passed to me. On 14th February you submitted a question for the next full Council meeting on 6th March. You also requested that if the Council’s position is that your address should be published alongside this question, Mr Fox and the Council’s Data Controller should confirm that the Council in so doing is fully adhering to the requirements of the Data Protection Act.

You subsequently e mailed on 21st February complaining that Mr. Fox had not responded to your e mail in accordance with the Council’s correspondence policy. The Council’s policy is that we will respond to email correspondence within five working days of receipt. Where this is not possible, an acknowledgement should be sent clearly stating when a full response will be provided. Mr. Fox accepts that he did not meet these requirements and I apologise for this.

The meetings of Council on 6th March were an Extraordinary Meeting and Budget Council Meeting. Questions may be submitted only to ordinary meetings of the Council. The next such meeting is on 24th April.

You will be aware that it is a matter for the Mayor to determine if questions should be accepted. That consideration has not yet taken place and will be arranged in the few weeks before the meeting of the 24th April Mr. Fox should have acknowledged your e mail and advised you that you would receive a response once the Mayor had considered whether your question complies with the requirements set out in the Council’s constitution. I understand that you should receive a response in early April.

You have also asked for the latest audit and/or publication of these correspondence statistics. This request has, I understand, also been made as a formal Freedom of Information request under our reference 12.1489 and you will receive a response in due course under that request.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome and wish to progress to Stage 2 of our complaints process, please provide details of why my response has not resolved your complaint and what action you would require as a resolution.

If you would like your complaint reviewed by Paul Moore, Director of Customer and Corporate Services, please write to him directly at:

Civic Offices

Your sincerely
Nick Hollier
Deputy Director HR and Corporate Support

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