23 January (Part 2) - Intolerable abuse
As well
as dealing with correspondence from the
young man abducted to Africa without
explanation a lady has been trying to tell me about the abuse she has been
suffering. I say trying because there is a language problem and worse is that
she has been unable to send documents in a readable format. Nearly 20 A4 documents have
arrived as jpg files of as little as 34 kilobytes each. Needless to say I
cannot read them and probably the lady concerned is frustrated by my inability to comment.
I have managed to decipher her Erith address and the address of the alleged
abuser, Erith again, but I am not sure if it is the lady who is being abused or a
child. The latter probably.
The words drugs and County Lines can be deciphered and knives and stabbings too.
It really needs to be handled by the Council or the Police but apparently it has
been with zero effect. I can make out letter headings from both the Met Police and Bexley Council
but there is no way I can see what is alleged to have gone on or what they may
have done.
However the video below, an extract from a much longer one, indicates that there
is or certainly has been a problem which needs to be sorted out.
The video shows behaviour which should not be tolerated whatever the circumstances.
(You should probably keep the volume down.)
Who is going to help? Do the Councillors for Erith know about this case?
Note: The image top left has been processed to allow it to be seen on Bonkers and is larger than 34k but nothing can be done to improve legibility.