3 January (Part 2) - Six months and nothing!
is only the second working day of the New Year but the Liz line commuters are at
it again. I didn’t look outside until 09:40 and assumed someone was dropping
something off to a neighbour but after 20 minutes I sent a photo to Bexley Council
who turned up not many minutes later. (Photo 2)
M4 MSU was entirely blocking the driveway to six of my neighbours’ parking spaces and every
part of the vehicle was in front of their dropped kerb.
Unusually I was not blocked in myself and was able to let a returning neighbour
park on my drive (Photo 3) so that he didn’t get a ticket too.
It is almost exactly six months since
Bexley Council consulted
locally on a Controlled Parking Zone and I am pretty sure that residents voted
heavily in favour. However the Council has done nothing obvious apart from insisting that it was not a
Consultation but only an informal survey. An informal survey
plastered with the word Consultation and sent out by Royal Mail.
At the November Transport Sub-Committee meeting the
Cabinet Member said he had asked for all the information to be with him by the
end of that month. In an email dated 21st October I was told that residents
would get an update on the situation in November. Needless to say, none of us
have. Meanwhile there is inconvenience to residents almost daily.