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News and Comment October 2024

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21 October - Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

The plan to produce another Places report went off the rails because of unexpected events so it is trivia for today.

Bexley Council let me know that news of the five new Belvedere Controlled Parking Zones should reach residents some time next month. Local Councillors are being consulted now and then a recommendation will go to the Cabinet Member. Presumably two Councillors will be aware of the commuter parking problem because they toured the area and pushed for a solution 18 months ago. The Cabinet Member took a look as soon as he took on the role a month later.

Our four day old Councillor from Welling is probably clueless but the same would apply whichever candidate was elected last Thursday. Meanwhile two bins in the road has proved to be effective.

Gum cleaningEvery time I have been to Bexleyheath in the past two weeks I have seen men out cleaning gum from the pedestrianised area. This photo was taken on the 14th October but it was not the first sighting. There were two men working opposite the library but I only got the one on camera because I was getting on a bus and there was no time. I’d seen them in Broadway a few days earlier and today they were by the Clocktower.

The cleanup has been funded by Keep Britain Tidy with a grant of £27,000.

Next train indicatorLess Bexley related is news of Abbey Wood station. The Next Train indicator I called for a week after the Elizabeth line opened has - according to Murky Depths - been belatedly installed.

It definitely wasn’t there last Thursday as I was one of a party of three which spent a few seconds working out which train was due out next and on Saturday I did the same, albeit by myself, but with the concourse indicators telling me the train on Platform 4 was due out in two minutes, it is possible i failed to see the enormous big sign as I descended the stairs, but I doubt it.

There needs to be one by the escalator and the west end bridge too.

Nothing to do with Bexley but wasting a couple of hours was a banking tussle. My only credit card which I can trace back to 2008 expires next week. I thought I would enquire about the replacement not turning up. I found the bank no longer has a phone number. App only. I had the App on my phone but it told me that it needed to be updated, I did that but it then said it couldn’t be registered. Tried again - same thing.

I tried the web page Chat on a PC but the Artificial Intelligence was useless. It eventually asked if I would like to chat to a human called Megan. Megan took five minutes to wake up and was just as useless as the AI; so I gave up. MBNA (now part of Lloyds) has already lost quite a lot of my business because I have had to use my Debit Card for so called ‘pre-orders’ due for payment in November and later.

The ongoing losses will be very much higher. I found my current account provider was still happy to talk on the phone when necessary although I actually signed up for the CC over the web. Easy.

I am not a total technology duffer but if companies expect me to use it with no alternative available in the event of a failure; then stuff ’em. So that’s Amazon, Royal Mail and MBNA all on the boycott list within about a month! Who’s next?

Bexley Council said a couple of weeks ago it was going to move more into the realms of AI. God help us.


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