30 June (Part 2) - Like governor of a Siberian Gulag
That’s how Hugh Neal describes Bexley council leader Teresa O’Neill
on his blog.
Lots of other entertainment too. Hugh describes how Microsoft has woken up to the
benefits of the ARM processor. About time; I was using one from 1990, three years after the first one
was produced, now everyone has got one of three hidden in almost every household appliance.
I have finished tinkering with the internal workings of Bonkers for this
weekend; still not entirely happy with it, but the foundations have been put in
for better viewing on telephones and other similar gizmos which are all foreign
territory to me.
30 June (Part 1) - “Where am I?” said the road tsar
Three times I have been to Bexleyheath in the past ten days looking for the
reported traffic chaos at newly designed junctions but been disappointed because there
was simply not much traffic around. However I did stumble upon this notice in
Highland Road yesterday, placed there on the order of
the over paid Mike Frizoni
for the ‘Queen’s unveiling’ ceremony on 9th March. I was just wondering why he felt it
necessary to say “The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for Erith
High Street, Erith”. It might well be but what has that got to do with Geddes Place?
This website is currently undergoing substantial “beneath the bonnet’ changes.
There may be some temporary formatting disruptions as a result.
Some readers will know that Bonkers is constructed from scratch without
the help of Wordpress or Blogspot or similar web writing utilities. It’s all
done the hard way which has some advantages but simplicity is not one of them.
One of the site’s features is the Blog text size configuration facility - see
menu above. I was tinkering with it this morning with a view to introducing a
similar facility to the main site. i.e. non-Blog
pages. While doing so I noticed that the user choice was stored in a Cookie
called site_style when logically it should have been called blog_style,
especially as I plan to use site_style to store the user’s choice of site
text size etc. So I changed the Cookie name and almost certainly broke the
system for anyone not using the default text sizes.
Apologies for that. It can be reset via the Configure menu or if all else
fails the Cookie can be deleted.
29 June (Part 3) - UKIP doing well in Welling
in Welling today could hardly move for UKIP canvassers. Drivers could hardly
move for Bexley council. In both Bellegrove Road and Wickham Lane the traffic
was queued to the railway bridges and beyond because of the road narrowing work.
Not that there actually was any work going on.
It’s been like it for a month or so but no one is sure why, no one I spoke to
while lurking around the UKIP stall for rather a long time anyway.
It was fascinating to see the reaction of passers-by to UKIP, everything from “I
can’t read” to requests to see the party’s manifesto. Most people took a leaflet
and lots of people really dislike Bexley council and all its works. I even met
three Bonkers readers.
29 June (Part 2) - @mayor_of_bexley
who joined Twitter today? I’m still hoping this one will be as good as she
looks. Ever the optimist!
Go easy on her, she’s done nothing wrong yet.
29 June (Part 1) - Can he hack it?
of the people excluded from
Cheryl Bacon’s closed meeting
was 19 year old Danny Hackett who aspires to be a Labour councillor in Lesnes ward. He told
me at ‘the meeting that never was’ that a selection meeting was to be held on Friday 28th so I suppose this midnight Tweet
means he was successful.
If I knew his number or was on Twitter I’d call him to check, but maybe not; nineteen year olds
don’t get out of bed on Saturdays until lunchtime. Seeking election is an extreme way of being
allowed into one of Cheryl’s meeting don’t you think? Possibly even more extreme
than Munir Malik having to resort to an FOI to get a Committee paper that a pig
headed Cheryl wouldn’t pass across the desk to him.
In other Labour party election news I hear that Daniel Francis is aiming to get
back in in Belvedere and that Seán Newman and Gill McDonald are safely
reselected for the same ward. Did anyone expect anything else?
Not so fortunate is Harry Persaud (Thamesmead East) who like Munir Malik and
Sandra Bauer will stand aside for an all African team.
Oh bugger! As a Lesnes voter myself does Danny’s probable success last night
mean I have to vote Labour for the first time in my life?
28 June (Part 6) - It’s enough to make you ill
find the take over of local health services by Bexley council rather worrying. My experience of
local health care is mixed to say the least. My GP told me not long ago that
my consumption of prescriptions is around one twentieth his average, so maybe
I’m not qualified to give an opinion - but I will anyway.
I’ve found Queen Mary’s to be poor and after two visits wouldn’t go there again.
Not so much because of the treatment but the total lack of respect and
consideration for the patient.
Queen Elizabeth I’ve always found to be good, except for one visit to A&E when
they disconnected my two drips and left me on the reception area floor telling me
to get myself home. It was five minutes before their four hour target time expired.
I complained and received a load of excuses and denials from Dr. Chris Streather who was
Chief Exec. of Q.E.H. at the time and eventually “an untraceable locum” was blamed. My own
GP told me there was no such thing as ‘untraceable’ in the medical world.
This blog was young and inexperienced at the time and I self-indulgently
the correspondence here. It still gets quite a lot of hits.
Like the man who was in charge when 1,200 patients died at Staffordshire General,
Streather continues his rise to the top. Boris Johnson has appointed him along with
our very own Teresa O’Neill to form his new Health Board for London. Not exactly
reassuring. Doesn’t Boris know that Teresa’s
council has already helped kill someone?
Bexley has appointed a new Director of Public Health, Dr. Nada Lemic. She says she is
going to concentrate on obesity. Seems like a good idea.
Another of Bexley’s vaguely health related schemes is to “transform
the borough into a mini Holland”. For a moment I thought they were going to
bulldoze Knee Hill, but no. It’s some cycling initiative or other. They are
going to apply for more taxpayers’ money to fund their ideas
Only this morning Teresa O’Neill was lamenting the fact that
the government is tightening the purse strings. Surely the time for vanity projects has gone?
Bexley Times’ mini Holland report.
28 June (Part 5) - Government condemns Bexley council
Best go and take a look at
the News Shopper’s site quick.
Eric Pickles’ deputy has said that calling the police to a public meeting because a member of the public
took along a broken dictation machine was a waste of police time. An anonymous Bexley council
spokesman says they have given Mr. Brandon Lewis a “more balanced account“ of what
happened. I bet they have, the lying wotsits. This calls for an email to Mr. Lewis me thinks.
Among the lies told by Bexley council is “The problem that arose last week was
caused by one of a small group of people who was intent on causing disruption
and who refused to comply with our rules to gain attention. We do not employ
security staff, so we asked the police to help restore order so that the
committee’s business could be completed.”
many times does it have to be stated that technically no one at all said anything
during the meeting? It was immediately adjourned when Nicholas continued to hold
his recorder after being refused permission to use it before the meeting
commenced. No one but Nicholas said anything during the adjournment either apart from a small amount of whispering among
members of the public present.
No one but Nicholas was asked to leave because everyone sat quietly waiting for
an outbreak of common sense. Everyone was refused entry to Cheryl Bacon’s ‘Closed session’.
An illegal act.
No member of the public knew of Nicholas’s intentions before they entered the Civic Offices,
though he did tell his friends as they entered the reception area. I think that included the Doorman.
If the members of the public were so keen on mayhem,
as Bexley council alleges, why were the councillors happy to leave them alone
in the chamber to await the police? More proof of their lies is it not?
28 June (Part 4) - O’Neill’s out, but wrong one
Deselection stories continue to trickle in, from good sources too. Not only is councillor Malik going but also his leader. Councillor Chris Ball has decided to stand down, citing work pressures. Ditto the rarely reported Labour councillor Maggie O’Neill. I think that makes four of the present Labour councillors heading for the exit. And there may be ‘funny business’ going on in Sidcup too - and I don’t just mean that Mike Slaughter has had enough of it all.
28 June (Part 3) - More parking nonsense
of Crayford is still getting daily parking tickets despite buying a quarterly Residents’
Parking Permit at the beginning of the month. The letter on display is on
Bexley’s notepaper and says the permit will be sent shortly. The photo, once
again, is by a concerned neighbour. I have concluded that a letter stuck to a
car windscreen for a month is no longer Confidential, so if you look at the
larger version you may be able to read it.
The BELL issue seems to have loosened some tongues at Bexley council. I have
received three reports that Bexley’s erstwhile parking manager, Tina Brooks, much criticised
for her ignorance of the regulations by
Notomob, did not make the
transfer to Bromley. She has gone. It is alleged she may not be the only bad habit
that hasn’t made it across to Bromley.
I can hardly believe this is true, but given the way Bexley often is, you can’t be sure.
Consider this. A dozy Parking Attendant makes out a ticket at 17:35 and plonks
it on the windscreen of a car parked in a bay restricted to 17:30. Dozy
attendant thinks he is patrolling a 18:30 bay. Ticket gets invalidated in the
office because it has been issued contrary to regulations. Motorists coughs up
the money anyway. Obviously the money should be returned but in Bexley it goes
into some sort of slush fund.
Staff query this with managers as they are unhappy with acting outside the law.
Managers tell them to get on with it. It is not clear from the informant’s
report whether the practice is being continued now that Bromley has taken over
the back office services. Nor is it clear that the informant is not yet another
disgruntled employee, but if I was a betting man…
28 June (Part 2) - And they got on to the BBC for this!?
week after Nick Dowling asked if he could make an audio recording of
a tremulous Cheryl
Bacon, Richard Taylor from Cambridgeshire went to a council meeting armed with a video camera. He has been
featured on the BBC’s website;
why I do not know, Huntingdonshire District council is the height of reasonableness compared to Bexley.
Huntingdonshire allow filming with three days notice. Bexley has always without any exception whatsoever banned all forms of recording.
Huntingdonshire spoke of calling the police; Bexley called the police almost immediately.
Huntingdonshire eventually relented and allowed filming. Cheryl Bacon did her Pied Piper act and held
an illegal closed meeting.
Huntingdon intends to discuss its arrangements with a view to possible changes on 24 July. Bexley
issued a new instruction to reinforce its banning orders.
I have been waiting ten days to hear if I will be allowed to take a photograph.
All I have had is a threat from Director Paul Moore that permission may not be forthcoming if I fail to
withdraw last Thursday’s blog.
28 June (Part 1) - Corporate Manslaughter
wonder they tried so hard to muffle the BELL. It’s enough to make the leader’s hair stand on end.
27 June (Part 4) - UKIP Day of Action in Welling. Get yourself on TV
plans to be out in force in Welling next Saturday (29th) presumably to
tell residents what they can do for Bexley. Both local and national press have
said they will look in plus Channel 4 TV. I think I will pop along too to see if
any of them would be interested in the Bexley ELL service.
10:30 until 2:00 outside Tesco (opposite Morrisons).
The BELL scandal will inevitably cool down for a while. I have passed the documents to someone who may be better equipped to take the case further. However recent days have seen various comments from both anonymous and named sources. Here are some I feel able to repeat.
• It
is crystal clear to staff left here what happens if we do not tow the party line. Not making
excuses for Maria,
but it is easy to compromise one’s own integrity when under a lot of stress,
upset, or put under ‘awkward pressures’ let’s say.
• I was disciplined for threatening to attack Maureen Holkham with an axe which
was a totally false allegation.
• There is not a shadow of doubt in my own mind; the Bexley union rep. is there
to protect the Council, not the employees. For run of the mill complaints,
the union might do grand things for the employee and get membership recommendations
because of it, but for the real cases like John and Andy’s, forget it!
• After Mrs. Baker died staff asked for 24/7 on call managers to be listed
on the noticeboard. They were, but only their names, no contact numbers. So not a lot
of use.
What exactly is Bexley council’s management style and culture? If someone threatens to
attack a Deputy Director with an axe you don’t hold a disciplinary hearing, you
call in the police - unless of course you are part of the management team that
manufactured a story with the sole intention of getting rid of a round peg in a
square hole. Or as it is beginning to look, a man in a woman’s world. This
account is not from someone’s vivid imagination, it is referenced in John’s
(dismissed BELL technician) files.
The issue of server codes not being translated into English has been explained
to me by two people. It required a module from the manufacturer to be added to
the system but it failed to work properly in Bexley and was forecast to produce too
much information even if it did.
John says his immediate manager. Linda Cox (I only have his word for it) believed the
problem was caused by incorrect installation of the equipment at the clients’ premises.
Installation was the responsibility of another technician there is no need to name. John
(the server technician) says Ms. Cox’s fault diagnosis was entirely wrong. In any event,
Bexley council did nothing to correct the fault. Calling in the manufacturer’s support engineer
may have incurred a charge. One BELL operator comments as follows…
With the less usual codes coming up on the screens, when the BELL alarm comes through;
the codes could easily be put into plain English but weren’t. When these calls
came through it makes the operators anxious because they do not indicate what they are for.
It could mean flood, fire, carbon monoxide. Anything! And each would require
a different reaction. But they so rarely came through in English that even if there was
information about what they meant and how to deal with them, chances are that you would
not know where to find the info.
Of course, you could always be well organised and keep all this info in a notebook or in a file
on a shelf, but what about the casual staff or staff brought in at short notice, or the the trainee??
The codes should be a simple heading, such
as ‘care home lift alarm’ or ‘contact Tunstall service engineer - electrical fault’, or
whatever the basic problem is.
Whilst operators have a personal responsibility to deal with
emergency calls in keeping with the procedures, the employing body surely has a responsibility
to make these procedures efficient and straightforward in a way that recognises that an
emergency operator never needs to waste time worrying about how to deal with some
foreign looking screen that jumps to life in front of them in the small hours of the morning,
when where is not a single soul to turn to in the room for assistance.
In an attempt to discover whether staffing levels improved after Bexley council’s neglect
contributed to the death of Mrs. Baker, Mr. Barnbrook has requested under the
Freedom of Information Act, a (names redacted) copy of the BELL staffing rota for April
2012 and April 2013.
27 June (Part 2) - Election news
Two unsolicited submissions that were ‘spiked’ during the week while more pressing things took centre stage. The usual warnings about no documentary confirmation may apply…
• Councillor Munir Malik was not selected to represent Thamesmead East in the May 2014 council
elections. The three candidates will be Ms. Derry Begho, Mr. Endy Ezenwata and Ms. Mabel
Ogundayo. The ‘Thamesmead Tiger’ will be missed! A separate report speaks of “back stabbing”.
• It was reported on 7th June that councillor June Slaughter is
not seeking
re-election in Sidcup. (†) Probably she is persona non grata for her willingness to
bid me good evening and the like, or maybe she just cannot stand the dishonesty
any more. Maybe it is significant that the Conservative propaganda sheet
Sidcup Matters is listing the name Rob Leitch alongside the councillors’
names. A Google search for Robert Leitch will confirm his
close associations with Boris Johnson. Just what we need on Bexley council;
another leech. I do hope this revelation will not provoke Director Paul Moore into
another of his rages.
† This information was mistaken.
27 June (Part 1) - Crossrail cometh
The Dartford to London via Woolwich railway line runs a literal stone’s throw
from my front door. At the moment it is two tracks but Crossrail will increase that to four.
I know this because Network Rail has been very good about keeping nearby
residents informed of their plans. Originally the extra tracks were going to be
used for shuffling trains arriving at Abbey Wood across to the up platform for
the return trip and for parking trains overnight. I think this idea may have
fallen into disfavour when Network Rail noticed the number of graffiti artists
who live on the other side of the tracks. Also the decision to rearrange the
platforms at Abbey Wood, to suit the trains rather than the passengers - typical
Network Rail if I may say so - meant the tracks extending towards Belvedere are
no longer required. However a Newsletter from Network Rail revealed that they
will be retained as over-run. Presumably train drivers
are no longer taught how to approach a set of buffers.
Over the years Network Rail’s succession of Newsletters has put the journey time
from Abbey Wood to Tottenham Court Road at 16 minutes, 26 minutes and most
recently, 23 minutes. Via London Bridge or Waterloo East you’d be hard pushed to do it in 50.
Now that work on Abbey Wood station is imminent a schedule has been published.
• Felixstowe Road car park (Thamesmead side of the station) will partly close in
August 2013 and shut completely in September.
• A few places will be lost from the station (railway owned) car park this month
and full closure will occur in September 2013.
• The existing station will be, well, attacked with sledgehammers I suspect. The
Network Rail leaflet is rather vague but an “interim station” will open early in 2014.
• The new station will open in autumn 2017.
The current plan is to provide twelve peak hour ten car trains an hour without
“permanent reductions to the current North Kent Line trains”.
There will be an exhibition in the Knee Hill Community Centre to explain things
further from 1 p.m. to 7.p.m. on Thursday 11th July.
I imagine there will be parking chaos in the area by September. Roads right up
to the one next to mine are already
inconsiderately blocked by commuters
prepared to walk for seven minutes rather than pay extortionate car parking
fees. My own drive would accommodate three cars with ease. Maybe Bexley council
would let me have a discarded Pay & Display machine.
26 June (Part 5) - You couldn’t make it up
I’m surprised that title has not be used before, it’s almost a generic one that
could be applied to every day.
The Bexley magazine popped through my letterbox an hour ago and I was amazed to
see the associated comment on Page 8.
Under the heading ‘Parking Services Improvements’ we are told that Parking
Attendants will soon be routinely video and audio recording members of the
public without seeking their permission.
What a bunch of two face hypocrites. They have the cheek to say this will
demonstrate transparency and provide accuracy.
Fair enough, but contrast that with what Bexley’s goons trot out at every public meeting. No
recording in case it offends a member of the public. How low can this
Conservative council go?
Click image for the full story.
26 June (Part 4) - The liars are at it again!
council knows it is in a weak position after putting a public meeting into “closed
session”. Chairman Cheryl Bacon’s words not mine. It’s illegal, so since their
first attempt to bamboozle the population via the News Shopper they have added
to their lie score.
“If other members of the public had wished to join the
meeting they would have been able to.” Rubbish!
Mr. Barnbrook was particularly keen to be there and Cheryl Bacon twice rebuffed
him. As soon as he got home he sent in a formal complaint.
Young Danny Hackett, would-be Labour councillor, with friends on the inside
already, wasn’t allowed in either.
Does Bexley council really believe that five members of the public who had given
up their evening to hear what the council had in store for parking and Sidcup
High Street, and had not entered the recording debate at all, would have gone
home if there was an alternative acceptable to the lying Councillor?
Bexley council issues nothing but lie after lie and I get very sick of reporting it.
Next time there is a meeting recorders will have to be secretly switched on if
that is what it takes to get the truth out of Bexley council.
26 June (Part 3) - Falling off the log
Bexley’s BELL alarm system
was supplied by a company called Tunstall, who appear to be the leading purveyor of such gear.
Most if not all of it is supplied on lease. Some of it has a limited life, neck pendants with
batteries for example. Five years and you throw it away and lease or buy another one.
The software that runs the system is sophisticated and highly configurable if
you know what you are doing. In the client’s home you have a responder to listen
out for pendant button presses and it calls the Civic Centre over a phone line.
The responder has a sensitive two way voice mode too enabling it to be used just
like a phone. A care home might include several such systems all connected to a
dedicated phone line. Mrs. Baker’s care home was on 020 8302 7162.
In the Civic Centre the controlling server was set to assume ‘No answer’ if the
operator failed to pick up a call within 180 seconds, the system’s default time. This was not long enough
for a lone operator to visit the toilet and John (the whistleblower) says that
Bexley’s answer was to set the delay to 30 minutes but that he successfully
resisted their proposal. He also says that Bexley council didn’t always withdraw alarm
pendants that reached their ‘sell by date’ so as to avoid the need to lease
more. This practice he says was the norm when he first worked for Bexley but improved
over the years.
He claims that when elderly clients died he retrieved their pendants and
tested them to see if the batteries had gone flat due to them being in use
beyond the manufacturer’s safe date. If they did not work, and some didn’t, it
was possible that the alarm had been pressed in vain and was a contributory factor
to a death. John says he was told in no uncertain terms not to continue doing
testing pendants and threatened with disciplinary measures if he persisted. We only
have his word for it.
The system was able to report more than a simple button press, if there was a
power cut for example. All such events bore a numerical code which would appear
on the operator’s screen. John says that the system was perfectly capable of
translating the codes into meaningful English but Bexley had decided not to use
the facility. I shall have to go back to John to find out exactly why - he is
not on email so communications between us are slow.
The simplified explanation of what happened when Mrs. Baker’s call came in at
five past one in the morning is that it was not answered for reasons unknown.
The most obvious reason is that the operator fell asleep but as he was sacked
immediately and disappeared from the scene his colleagues had no
opportunity to question him.
After 90 seconds of No Reply the system correctly logged off the operator’s
console as being not in use. It then called its reserve number but Bexley in an
act of sheer stupidity had programmed that in as the same as the primary number
- which was logged off.
The system signalled that the operator should log on but he was either not
there, asleep, or as a trainee, didn’t recognise the screen display. The
prolonged lack of response caused the server to send repeat calls at 75 second
intervals throughout the night. Several other emergency calls came through only
to suffer the same fate. Fortunately none proved fatal.
‘Andy’ did not twig what was going on until two minutes to six. At eight o’clock
the warden at Mrs. Baker’s home called to give the dreadful news.
Had Bexley’s server been programmed more intelligently it would have called
Tunstall’s 24 hour control centre but it did not. One must assume it was not intelligently
programmed or maybe Bexley council was too mean to subscribe to Tunstall’s
Either way a lady died, ‘Andy’ disappeared, presumably a nervous wreck, the man
who warned of the impending disaster was sacked, and not a single Bexley council
officer had a word said against him - I mean her. Sounds like they would all be
assured of good jobs in the NHS.
26 June (Part 2) - Bouquets and brickbats
Obviously the target audience for Bonkers is Bexley residents but inevitably quite a lot of readers come from further away.
Every day visitors include the Houses of Parliament and the local press and on
the second rung you get the Greater London Assembly, Transport for London, the
BBC and Sky News. The other London Boroughs are there every day too, not
necessarily the same ones every day, and I always imagine bored doorkeepers
giggling over a Google Chrome Book rather than a Chief Executive thanking the
gods of Common Purpose that none of his councillors labelled their road planning
“Bonkers”, but maybe the truth lies somewhere in between…
I’ll just start by saying that I really enjoy reading your blogs, even though
I’m north of the Thames. How did I find your blog? Well, I was doing
some research and decided to get in touch with the various Councils involved, to
find some information straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.
As you’ve mentioned previously, typing Bexley into Google brings your site up
within the first couple of hits, so I thought I’d have a read. Needless to say,
I’m now an avid daily reader. Anyway, aside from the usual automated response
from my initial email, I’ve received not one bit of contact from your
illustrious Council, and that’s Local Government to Local Government!! Then
again, having read about them, I have a firm grasp on their ethics (or should
that be lack of).
Keep up the good work.
(Edited to remove the source borough.)
That was one of 23 emails received yesterday and almost none was answered because
I was away north of the river too, yesterday’s blogs were written the day
before. One of the 23 emails was not very complimentary which almost never happens, not
even a handful in the four years Bonkers has been going, councillor Melvin Seymour’s
friends and relatives excepted of course. In my opinion the main thrust of the
email was wide of the mark. It said
You harp on about all of you information being factual and thoroughly checked yet
you have suggested that vinny rey was responsible for the works at ruxley roundabout,
when a simple check with the council would reveal that in fact that is not actually
the case. This is just one inaccurate fact that I have come across whilst browsing
this site with some interest. There is plenty of information on this site and whilst
I have the time to go through it I dont think that I would waste it when the accuracy
of it is clearly questionable. Sounds like another person with a chip on their
shoulder to me mate.
That one is totally unedited because I feel it gives some insight into the sort of
person who wrote it - anonymously of course.
I remember the three Ruxley Roundabout visits well as in those days it was rare for readers
to invite me out. My destination was Ruxley Nursery and I saw the owner whose name
was Gary. I think I can safely name him because Ruxley Nursery is a yard or two
across the Bromley boundary and presumably safe from vindictive retaliation by Bexley council.
Gary accumulated a file of papers about the roundabout, even councillor Craske, cabinet
member for Public Realm at the time, had helped fill it and because of that file I know there is no
need to revise the Ruxley Roundabout report.
Indeed I still have some of the stuff which Gary emailed to me and yes the relevant name is there. It may not have been the
only name involved but it was the one that took responsibility for the Ruxley disaster afterwards.
25 June (Part 2) - Outside the tent peeing in (†)
The principal BELL whistleblower
proved to be a nut in one sense, a film
nut, or as he might prefer it, a film buff; and it was that that got him the
sack. Perusal of the documents from Bexley council reveals nothing about the
death of Mrs. Baker and the subsequent cover-up.
All you get in writing is vague references to “circumstances earlier in 2012”.
It is notable that John, for that is his name, had worked for Bexley council for
seven years before Mrs. Baker died in April 2012 and within a month of that he
was being threatened with the dismissal that ultimately came on 27th July 2012.
A dismissal decision taken by Deputy Director Tom Brown and upheld at appeal by
councillors Aileen Beckwith, John Davey, Alan Deadman and Michael Tarrant.
The straw that brought John down was that to relieve himself of some of the stress
imposed by an oppressive management, he amused himself by doodling a revised
film script. It read…
The story of a romany slave worker on BELL who has been brutalised, abused and
disenfranchised who retaliates against the evil ICT empire builder Gluteus
Maximus Orificious Warrinker and his Metacompliance legions. The hero ends up
being crucified by emperor McLaughter. Its a battle between the
against the righteous, the self-important against the
important and the judgemental against the good. Be prepared for a lavish bloodbath.
John found that so therapeutic that he wrote another one…
After hearing of a plot against him, he is sent to Coventry where he takes on
a bunch of criminals known as the Metacompliance gang, once there he receives an
obscene phone call while a sex starved woman sits rocking in her operator’s
chair. He embarks on a mission to get revenge on all those who crossed him with
calamitous results for all concerned.
After showing it to a trusted colleague John locked it away in his drawer some
while before Mrs. Baker died.
Gluteus Maximus Orificious Warrinker is a reference to an IT manager who John
alleges called him a f**king twat and a ‘wuss’ when John reported a bug in a piece
of council prepared computer code - the Metacompliance. John responded by
calling him an arsehole.
The sex starved woman is a reference to one of the bosses who had a tendency to
boast to her friends of her sexual exploits. John’s boss, Alison McLaughlin, is
on record as saying John’s “prose was deeply offensive to his colleagues”.
While John had a day off his boss raided his locked drawer looking for the
incriminating BELL server log which was reputed to be there. It was, but while snaffling it away she
found and took the mock film scripts too. She convinced senior management with
the aid of an employee reputed to be a member of her own extended family, that John
had distributed copies of his film scripts around the office and for this he was
dismissed. The earlier ‘arsehole’ comment didn’t help either. Naturally
Gluteus Maximus Orificious Warrinker denied his provocation.
Files obtained from Bexley council reveal that another of John’s bosses was Linda Cross, immediately subordinate to
Alison McLaughlin, and to both of whom John alleges he many times gave warnings of the
inadequate overnight staffing levels. The papers record that the alleged false witness to the
distribution story was Maria Giles.
It is not yet clear to me whether Alison McLaughlin’s submission to Tom Brown
was sufficiently fulsome as to allow a fair hearing or whether Mr. Brown was
‘in’ on the need to get rid of an employee who knew too much. I shall read
the papers again to see what else can be drawn from them and no doubt report back again.
Before I depart for the day I should perhaps mention what may prove to be the
most important document in this sorry affair. The server log. A copy has
surfaced and it clearly shows what happened and why the managers who
allowed staffing levels to fall below two were so emphatically misguided. The equipment did not
malfunction, it did exactly what it was told to do, and what it was told to do
proved to be a major contribution to a lady’s death.
The first alarm call came through at 01:05:55. It was not answered until 05:57:52. Bexley
council does not want you to know that. I am inclined to ask John if I may ship all the papers
across to the News Shopper. This disgraceful affair deserves wider exposure than I can give it.
† With reference to President Lyndon B. Johnson’s famous
quotation about J. Edgar Hoover.
25 June (Part 1) - Public Realm report : Round 3
Cheryl Bacon had not chosen to take Bexley council
down the road to ridicule again
the public would have learned what her husband’s
Strategic Parking Review had come up with. However, as is far too often the case, Bexley council
decided to break the law by holding a public meeting in what Cheryl called ’closed session’. She
refused to allow any member of the public to attend it, not even reporters, i.e. me.
In law she has to rerun the meeting, but don’t hold your breath. Upholding the
law of the land is not what Bexley council generally does. In the circumstances,
if Bexley’s residents are to learn anything of what may be in store by way of a
new parking regime, the only way forward is to report some of the highlights of
what was in the Agenda here.
A sub-Committee had been set up consisting of
councillors Brian Beckwith, Munir Malik, Howard Marriner, June Slaughter,
Michael Tarrant and chaired by John Waters. A strange mixture of the wise and
the slightly mad. Their aim was to “further the economic prosperity of the
borough” and representatives of both Richmond and Westminster councils’ parking
departments attended some of their meetings; what one might call the good and
the ugly extremes of enforcement.
The sub-group’s final recommendations were as follows…
• Clear consistent signage.
• Priority for Bexley residents in an attempt to exclude Kent commuters.
• Retain phone parking (the report referred to its unpopularity) and retain cash and
credit card payments in car parks.
• The 10 pence surcharge for phone parking should be scrapped but recouped
through increased SMS and extension charges.
• The weakness of the local economy should be considered when setting
charges near shopping areas.
• Short parking, e.g. 10 minutes, should be allowed in marked bays for low
or zero charge close to shops.
• A ‘finer grained’ payment structure should be considered near shops.
• CPZ boundaries near stations should be reviewed.
• A residents’ parking payment card should be actively pursued.
• The council should continue to operate the car parks.
• Civil Enforcement Officers should be trained in sympathy and consistency.
• Any Free Parking at Christmas should be notified in advance.
• Disabled bays in car parks to remain free.
• Residents’ bay operation times should align with nearby car parks to
avoid displacement from one to the other.
What the Scrutiny Committee thought of that may never be known
thanks to councillor Bacon’s law breaking. It is interesting to note that
councillor Craske’s policy of absolutely no change to CPZs may be looked at
again. It may also be interesting to Craske watchers that the Review begins
with the words “The council has a statutory responsibility to provide adequate
parking for Bexley residents”. Only the evening before the purple pygmy told the Finance
Committee that there was
no legal obligation to provide car parks. Purple prat?
There is no Agenda reference that I can find to what the public may have said in
the Consultation, but Bexley never takes any notice of them so why waste the
paper and ink?
Public Realm report : Round 1
Public Realm report : Round 2
24 June (Part 9) - Definitely not saved by the BELL
Before the BELL story began to get really interesting
anonymous emails were arriving from what I thought might be a family member and someone else, maybe a worker at the home where
Mrs. Baker lived - or should I say died?
Then came the first email that required no guesswork. It is reproduced
below because it sheds light on the problems an important witness alleges he
faced. The more that is known about the case, the easier it may be to understand it.
I am concerned that the death of a Bexley Emergency Linkline customer due to her emergency call
being unanswered because only one member of staff was on duty
at the time, seems to have been forgotten.
It has not made the press despite being of high public interest. Mrs. Barbara Baker died
6/4/2012 and there followed a police investigation. All BELL staff were told by managers to keep it
quiet. All questions about it were met with “we can't comment due to a Police investigation”.
I worked at BELL for about seven years before I was sacked for
swearing after being abused and sworn at over those years.
When I started at BELL there were insufficient records of where in the field alarm units were, how
old the units were and whether they were due for renewal. I discovered that Bexley BELL was
installing units already out of date, the existing staff did not understand the need for renewing
the standby batteries and when I explained the seriousness of the situation I was disciplined.
Every time I brought something up about failures and shortcomings in the system I was disciplined.
After Mrs. Baker’s death I reminded management that I had previously warned A.M. [name deleted] that
we should have two on duty at all times in case someone was indisposed when a call came in.
After this I was constantly baited and provoked and abused by some of the more senior staff.
It was during a verbal bombardment by a colleague that I let the swear word out that I eventually got sacked
for. I believe there was a cover up and the true reason for my dismissal was because I knew too much
and didn’t want to turn a blind eye.
The report bore uncanny similarities to another email received about the same time…
There are so many outrageous reports of Bexley council's scandalous behaviour towards
residents and their own staff. I know and have known so many people who [work] for Bexley who are
disgusted at some of these scandals. I know there is a lot of talk and unrest in some depts.
And today I have been to see the concerned ex-BELL employee.
He makes a good case and has retained a lot of documents but as he said in his
email, he was on the face of it, not sacked for reasons directly connected
to the neglect of Mrs. Baker. That would have been altogether too blatant.
However the documents which I have on loan do not confirm the sacking was for uttering a
single swear word - despite “arsehole” appearing in the documents - but for something very different.
Maybe I should leave this until I have more time - which probably won’t be tomorrow. Tuesdays are
not my favourite day for blogging. Other things must be done.
24 June (Part 8) - Brunswick Road report - A very big mistake
The more blogs there are to write the more mistakes I make, and I don’t just mean writing
Brunswick Avenue when I meant Road
which numerous people were keen to tell me about. No, there was one almighty clanger that only one person noticed.
It isn’t just councillor Linda Bailey who has an interest in Brunswick Road,
leader Teresa O’Neill has her own place down there too. No. 39. If I hadn’t
deleted the Address List maybe I would have noticed.
Somehow I don’t give much for applicant Mr. Sullivan’s chances.
24 June (Part 7) - Barnet’s democratic council
The bloggers of Barnet try to convince anyone who will listen that their council is as bad as they come, but I suggest the following does their case no favours…
Just a quick note to say that I will be addressing the Barnet Council Cabinet tonight at
their meeting at 6:30 p.m. I have asked for permission to address the cabinet to
express my concerns at the various policies the council are currently implementing and the
lack of consultation and democracy in the manner of these implementations.
That just couldn’t happen in Bexley could it? The cabinet listening to a protester.
A blogger no less! Don’t be so silly.
24 June (Part 6) - Nick Dowling makes it into the Shopper
The long awaited
News Shopper report
on councillor Cheryl Bacon’s successful attempt to make Bexley council a laughing stock -
it’s at the
This is London
site as well as the News Shopper - has gone on line.
Bexley council has repeated its lie to the press.
“Their subsequent behaviour was so disruptive that it was impossible for the meeting to continue.” It was so
disruptive that every councillor and official was happy to walk out leaving us to sit in the chamber with
no supervision at all. How else do you think we could have had our photograph taken?
Good to see them confirm “the meeting was moved to another room”. All that is
missing is Cheryl’s term ‘closed session’.
The fact is hardly a word was spoken all evening and nobody did anything
more active than occasionally visiting the cool water dispenser.
Do you think this appalling bunch of liars masquerading as councillors would
leave six “disruptive” residents alone in the chamber? Didn’t they realise that
any one of us could have hidden a pitchfork down our trousers?
24 June (Part 5) - Today’s joke. It is a joke isn’t it?
Who is giving you all this inside information? It must be someone very senior, because he or she seems to know more than most of us here. Could it even be Paul Moore himself?
So said a recent emailer and I haven’t a clue. What’s more, I don’t want to know. The
anonymous contact facility
is about as untraceable as you can get. The only chance of a trace is if I provide the time it is used
and ask my ISP to track the IP address and that won’t be good enough in most cases because you’d
need to go to the sender’s ISP to find out who owned the IP address and they aren’t likely to allow
that. I did it just once because the message looked to me as though it may have come from a
certain councillor - but it didn’t. It came from Parsons Brinckerhoff, a company with Craske connections.
No one else would have been able to make such a trace behind my back because this site is
hosted on servers owned by one of my old friends; he’d recognise it wasn’t my voice and
if anyone tried it on he would let me know. So the whole thing is pretty safe, I
can’t go tittle-tattling to my friend expecting a
trace every time someone sends a message, he’d soon get fed up with me.
So whoever tipped me off about the Press Release that Bexley council issued this
morning is safe. And it made me laugh out loud.
Councillor Chris Taylor has been appointed a ‘Dignity Champion’. This is the man
who wrecks lives by approving the payment of minimum wage (plus one penny) to care
workers and nothing for their time travelling between clients. Then if they complain
they are victimized by not being allocated enough work and their meagre income plummets even further.
I’ve gone on about it before so I won't add to it again today.
That other total waste of space, councillor Eileen Pallen has got in on the act
too. I do love the bit about ‘changing the culture of care services and placing
a greater emphasis on improving the quality … and home support services’. It’s at
times like this I find myself very tempted to resort to more colourful language.
What a pair of w… No I mustn’t.
The Dignity in Care campaign is about winning hearts and
minds, changing the culture of care services and placing a greater emphasis on
improving the quality of care and the experience of people using services in,
for example, hospitals, community services, care homes and home support
services. "Cllr Pallen and I are very pleased to have made the commitment to
become Dignity Champions and we hope that others will join us," said Cllr
Taylor. "We will do our best to work in the best interests of carers, vulnerable
adults and older people, keeping these issues high on our list of priorities.
I’ve heard people under Bexley’s care
reduced to talking about Dignitas, but not dignity.
The Press Release only seems to be available
as a Word file at present. What sort of plonker puts a .doc file on the web?
Half the potential audience won’t be able to read it.
24 June (Part 4) - Planning Department
At the handful of Planning Committee meetings I’ve attended the staff from
Mrs. Susan Clark downwards have always seemed quite impressive to me. Unlike the
typical Director or Deputy Director, planning staff always seem to know the answers. The
brown envelope culture of where I used to live in Hampshire is nowhere to be
seen but occasionally you have to wonder if attempts to influence planning
officers come from a direction difficult to resist.
Whilst looking at Bexley’s
Planning Portal
in connection with yesterday’s reference to
a possible planning malpractice
I stumbled upon the address of 55 Brunswick Road which sounded very familiar to me. On 6th June the Planning Committee’s Agenda included this…
55 Brunswick
Road is currently a
small bungalow and there have been several attempts to get permission to knock it down and
build a small block of flats. It is far from what you might call a ‘posh’ road
and already includes maisonettes.
The council officers can’t see a problem. They have gone through the usual routine of
consulting such bodies as the Transport and Traffic people, Environmental Health, The
Bexley Civic Society and Thames Water. 57 such bodies if you believe Bexley council’s
website. (I don’t, there are loads of duplicate consultations.)
None of them had any objections and as you can see above, the planners recommended the application for approval.
However once again it was turned down by councillors.
I wondered why. Then I saw this attached to the list of planning comments…
… and I went to the Documents tab to look through the list
of comments. All favourable but Linda Bailey’s wasn’t there. Maybe someone more
adept at searching the Planning Portal will double check it for me.
Then I remembered why 55 Brunswick Road sounded so familiar. I looked at the
scribbled notes Elwyn Bryant and I took from the Register of Members’ Interests when we
inspected them in May 2011. Guess who lives at (or owns) No. 45?
You are right, she does. Naturally I couldn’t possibly comment.
24 June (Part 3) - Gossip Department
I’ve no idea how reliable this sort of information is but an email said
“I heard that Pallen was replacing Windle in Barnehurst and that Hall was
replacing Cammish in Blendon - both standing down. Musical chairs!”
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Simon Windle went, he seems to have a too finely developed
sense of decency to be a Bexley councillor and if they are looking for someone
useless and another Teresa style tyrant you couldn’t do a lot better than Eileen Pallen.
Steven Hall’s Welling seat must be vulnerable to UKIP attack and a move is
understandable but why a decent enough bloke like Steven wants to be associated
with Bexley council goodness only knows. Maybe he has aspirations towards reforming it?
Pat Cammish? Who is she? I did a search of the entire Bonkers site and apart
from the list of councillors her name only appears once. It was in November 2012 and if you click
the link to that blog you may understand why she has had enough.
24 June (Part 2) - Teresa Kim Jong O’Neill
The last time the mild mannered Arthur Pewty published his thoughts on
Bexley’s council leader, Conservative Teresa O’Neill, he said “Personally I think
we need to descend on Councillor Teresa O'Neill with flaming torches and
pitchforks, as it would seem that she and her scheming cohorts are impervious to
reasoned argument” and when I said “I couldn’t agree more” a vindictive Teresa saw
her opportunity to get me into trouble and rushed off to call in favours with
police Commander Dave Stringer. Eventually the IPCC ruled against Stringer but
the Local Government Ombudsman’s Office, stuffed full of
ex-council types, backed O’Neill.
Yesterday, Hugh Neal who writes
the Maggott Sandwich blog, showed his exasperation with O¹Neill once again.
“I think that Bexley Council would be more open and honest in its dealings if
it was headed by Kim Jong-Un, rather than Teresa O’Neill.
At least the North Korean dictator is starting to talk to his opponents around the
world now, unlike Bexley Council, who for a second time are directly disobeying an
order issued by Eric Pickles.”
Perhaps if I agree with Hugh once again I’ll ensure I have something to write about for
years to come.
Incidentally, in his 23rd June blog, Hugh reveals where the weird blog name came
from. Bonkers, as I think you know by now, is based on councillor John Davey’s
description of Bexley’s road planning.
24 June (Part 1) - For whom the BELL tolled again
Later today I am going to meet a man who says he has something important to show me about the events surrounding Mrs. Baker’s death following neglect by Bexley council. Funny how they have managed to keep that one quiet for 14 months. Let’s hope this informer doesn’t turn out to be some sort of nutter. He sounded absolutely normal and rational on the phone, maybe a bit hesitant, but fingers crossed I am not wasting my time. Such things do happen! Report later with any luck.
23 June (Part 3) - A blast from the past
On 5th January 2012 I wrote the following blog but I got cold feet over whether it was
good enough. The general drift was accurate enough, I’d been shown the papers, but I was
concerned that something may have been withheld from me. Fishy it undoubtedly was
and I
wasn’t totally happy with it.
So with the proviso that things may not be quite as bad as they look, here is what
very nearly appeared 18 months ago…
5 January - Your guide to nobbling a Planning Committee
Step 1 - Preliminaries
• Apply for planning permission.
• See it rejected.
• Appeal to Government inspector.
Step 2 - On hearing that the appeal is likely to be rejected
• Reapply for planning permission.
• Recruit friendly councillor.
Step 3 - Procedure at Planning Committee
• Await inevitable severe criticism of plans.
• Watch friendly councillor argue that the inspector
will allow the appeal so Committee may as well pass it and save the trouble.
• Planning officials must remain dumb about the fact the Government inspector has already rejected it.
• Application passed. (Celebration and pay-off optional.)
Terms & Conditions
• Applicants must be a council employee; preferably employed in the Planning Department.
Though he wasn’t personally involved, John Watson who founded the Bexley Council
Monitoring Group, poked his nose in, asking for the plans and all that sort of
stuff. He looked at them but was told it would cost hundreds of pounds to let him have copies
- and he is not made of money. Gradually and with the help of the Information
Commissioner he beat down the price but it was still too much so he arranged to
go and have another look instead. He arrived at the Civic Centre last Wednesday at the
appointed time and - guess what? Bexley council has lost all the papers.
As I concluded in January 2012, it looks like something fishy has been going on.
23 June (Part 2) - From the weekend postbag
I’ve been away and have returned from successfully negotiating the car park which was the M25.
Not just around the M4 and M3 but also at the Bromley exit where a large caravan had
been turned partially to matchwood. On Saturday I found myself at a two year old’s birthday
party in a very windy Wales, so a bit of a busman’s holiday really.
The visitors’
score on Friday
reached 1,634; probably half arrived by accident but that still leaves a good number who have
learned a little more about Bexley council. Nearly 2% dropped me an email and apart from the
‘go easy’
guidance of last week none were even remotely critical of the ‘shameful’ blog which
Moore took issue with. While I wind down from the long motorway journey allow me
to fill you in with a selection from the weekend’s crop…
• I think Moore has somehow come to think of you as an errant council employee.
• Why is Paul Moore coming on so strong? Because you've got them rattled and they've told him in
no uncertain terms that they want you silenced once and for all. May God give
you the courage not to give in to these bully-boy tactics.
• Greetings Malcolm, you nasty man. How dare you place things on the internet that are already on the, erm,
internet. There was a real prospect of the council taking you seriously until
you did that. Take it down now or we’ll have Biffa work you over a bit before
throwing you down the stairs and having you arrested for damaging council property.
• You have merely passed polite comment.
• I don’t think you have overstepped the mark.
And from somewhere nearer the other end of the spectrum…
• Take the moral high ground. Remove the offending blog in return for a meeting
with Moore - or even Tuckley - to assist their inevitable transition to more
openness in a way that allows them to save face.
Actually I offered Mr. Moore
an off the record meeting but he did not respond.
23 June (Part 1) - If at first you don’t succeed
Our man in Welling writes…
You may recall that during
Phase 1 of the Welling Corridor
improvement scheme, a new pedestrian refuge was built in Bellegrove Road at the junction
with Hill View Road (Picture 1). Then within a month, because it was impossible to turn
right into Bellegrove Road from Hill View Road, the island was modified (Picture 2).
Now more than a year on we have traffic island Mark III. The third picture shows work on
the new island and finally the resultant queue at the temporary traffic lights. What a waste
of money and so much for computer designed islands!
Trial and error again if you ask me.
Computer program will be fine, but the chumps don’t know how use it.
22 June - Something for the weekend
I need a break so this is all you will get until Monday.
The reports of Broadway traffic problems continue to flow in and I went there
equipped with the trusty Pentax at lunchtime Friday. I understand the potential for the
reported problems, some I have seen for myself, but there were none today
because there was very little traffic. Maybe
the morning’s motor cycle crash in Albion Road had something to do with it.
A letter from Teresa O’Neill in my possession says that one of the advantages of
the new Broadway is that it could exist without a load of street clutter. If you
look at the large version of this photograph you will see that within the past
week Broadway has gained a speed indicator and two No entry signs. I do not
dispute that they are needed, indeed I suggested No entry signs were required at
the beginning of the pedestrianised section. What amazes me is that our road
planners and their highly paid consultants did not predict that
requirement. They appear to be keen advocates of trial and error.
Bexley council being stupid is always good for the web stats. There were 1,295
visitors on Thursday and 1,473 by 21:45 Friday - the time at which these words
are typed. That’s quite a good score for a local blog, just think how different
it would be if Bexley council possessed an iota of common sense.
If councillor Cheryl Bacon had said “Yes” to Nick Dowling when he scared her rigid with his
ancient broken tape machine we would have had no audio recording, no complaints
to the DCLG or questions on LBC radio. I would have had to come on line with my
tail between my legs trying to find words that didn’t come across as too
disappointed or humiliating. 600 or so people would have gone away thinking that Bexley council
is not so bad after all.
But she said “No” and we have no tape. If Nick had recorded the meeting preamble as Cheryl must
have believed, it would be on line to prove that Bexley council lied to the Bexley Times. Their
spokeswoman told the paper they couldn’t continue with the meeting because of the serious
disruption. Nick Dowling said very little, he just sat there waiting to be
ejected. No one else said anything at all. Because of Cheryl’s “No” the
council’s top brass has been in session cobbling together
a new strategy - which
won’t work if mischievous people choose to rebel. Not that they ever have. Thanks to Cheryl
Bacon, 1,200 or more people have had their opinions confirmed. A brilliant bit of PR.
I am not one to find pleasure in other people’s misfortunes but Bexley council’s
influence must be rubbing off on me. I take a certain amount of delight in the thought
that if Teresa O’Neill harbours ambitions for higher political office, there is a
plentiful supply of data out there for anyone researching her career history. I suspect
I am writing the content for UKIP’s election leaflets. Glad to be of assistance chaps.
21 June (Part 6) - Am I bovvered?
Yeah a little bit. It’s never nice if you think you have upset someone. It’s
not my way in normal life and I’m absolutely confident that no investigative journalist
could ever find dirt to dish from my past. Unlike some, my wider family has no
members who have ever fallen out with each other, we were brought up not knowing
any other way, so it is difficult to artificially adopt a different persona. But with
Bexley council I have to consider the wider picture.
Whenever I find myself going soft I remind myself of a few things…
• That Bexley council made up a total cock and bull story (arson at the
Civic Centre) in an attempt to have me arrested.
• That a Bexley councillor signed a fabricated police statement aimed at putting a
fellow blogger behind bars which landed him with legal costs of £10,000 before
his innocence was proved.
• That someone at Bexley council, almost certainly a Cabinet member, put on his
own web space his dirty thoughts that I and three other Bexley residents had engaged
in homosexual acts on council premises and in their car parks.
• That the council’s Chief Executive certainly, and its leader, probably,
interfered in the judicial process to ensure the culprit escaped justice. The
police confirmed it happened.
• That Bexley council unlawfully cajoled residents into having their addresses
published on line in order to participate in the democratic process as an act of
revenge against known critics. Despite
firm indications that the practice was no longer continuing, as recently as 11th June
Kevin Fox was pursuing the same agenda.
These are the actions of thoroughly vile people.
Everywhere you look in Bexley you can find the council flinging its weight
around creating misery.
Now that gang of people intent on bringing maximum harm to me and others is
trying to prevail on my better nature to remove a reference to a council employee
who generously raised money for charity, and his attractive link to Downing Street.
There is no malicious comment, only an acknowledgement that the Civic Centre is past
its sell by date. That is why you are being asked to cough up £42 million, or whatever
the figure is, for something better.
Having thought about it all day, I can’t in all honesty see what I can do to make
yesterday’s blog
more acceptable to Paul Moore.
His bullying tone has ensured my reluctance to
remove it entirely. If he is looking for that he should learn to choose his words more carefully.
There is nothing shameful about the blog and it is not part of a campaign of
harassment against Mr. Fox. This year he has been subjected only to occasional factual reports. I added
colour three times by calling him the council’s ‘premier jobsworth’ and their ‘lie manufacturer
in chief’. His excuses were described as ‘lame’. That’s it. I wouldn’t describe it as harassment.
During the day I have had several readers egging me on to withdraw nothing but it
is not them who bears the responsibility. Just one suggested I go easy on the personal stuff
and I will if for no other reason that it takes up far too much time. But this
particular bird has now flown. I doubt there will be any more for a while.
Knowing Bexley council’s usual propensities I took the precaution of passing my
‘shameful blog’ to a contact within the police seeking guidance. I have yet to
be told I am about to be arrested.
By the way, Abbie Sampson’s blog has gone off line, can’t think why, it was
all innocuous stuff. I suppose I will now have to consider withdrawing my
extract. Maybe Abbie will give me some advice on what she would like me to do.
21 June (Part 5) - It leaks like a rusty old tub, and is about as frightening
I’ve just returned from watching the News Shopper photographer take some snaps of Nick Dowling and his busted
recorder outside the Civic Centre so look out for a feature on their website soon.
There was no sign of Mr. Moore taking up
my invitation.
The Bexley Times
beat them to it, I think they must have nicked
the story from Bonkers. Can’t blame them but the NS does things more
professionally - I tipped them off as soon as the meeting ended.
Yesterday we had Bexley council in turmoil again. On Wednesday they held a
public meeting in closed session
contrary to law; how do they get out of that?
My suggestion to Nick was that they would simply lie and say they all went home
dejected, but Nick pointed out that that would require the connivance of Labour
councillors and some of them may actually be honest.
As well as wriggling out of Wednesday they had to formulate a new policy for
cocking a snook at Eric Pickles on future occasions. I can now tell you what their considered
solution is. Thank goodness for the anonymous messaging facility.
The Chairman should begin by stating that audio/visual recording of
proceedings is only permitted with the permission of the Chairman and should
also state whether any permission had been granted.
The person(s) concerned should be informed that the Council’s agreed approach
requires prior consent from the Chairman of the Committee for any audio/visual
recording. If no such consent has been given proceed to stage 3.
The person(s) concerned should be warned that the audio/visual recording is
disrupting the meeting and that they are being warned under Standing Order 75(5)
that they will be asked to leave the meeting if they persist in recording.
If the person(s) continue to attempt to record proceedings they should be asked
to leave the meeting.
If the person(s) do not leave the meeting the meeting should be adjourned if the
business is being disrupted.
If the person(s) refuse to leave the meeting room the Committee Officer will
establish if there is another room in which the meeting can be re-convened.
Prior to re-convening the meeting the Committee Officer will ask the Hallkeeper
to prevent access to the re-convened meeting by the members of the public
causing disruption.
The meeting will proceed in an alternative room so long as a suitable room is available.
If a suitable alternative room is not available the meeting will stand adjourned until a later date.
full version is here. I can’t see any reference to consulting the Government Department
to ensure that what they propose is compliant with Eric’s intentions towards local authorities.
21 June (Part 4) - For whom the BELL tolled
Just when I thought that life couldn’t get any more exciting I receive an email claiming to be from the BELL maintenance engineer asking me to give him a call. So I did and I am going to see him. He was a BT engineer too so we should be able to speak the same language and I am assured the visit won’t be a waste of time.
21 June (Part 3) - They don’t like it up ‘em
I have been in email correspondence with Bexley’s Director of Corporate
Services this morning, Mr. Moore thinks my
blog about Kevin Fox
is shameful harassment.
Apparently going to the police to accuse me of organising an arson attack on the
Civic Centre is not harassment. Making up untruths about Olly Cromwell breaking
bail conditions and having him dumped in the cells for 24 hours is not
harassment and publishing obscenities about four Bexley residents is not
harassment either, in fact it must be defended by among other things getting the
Chief Executive to intercede with the CPS on the culprit’s behalf. But revealing that
Kevin Fox has a pretty girlfriend is harassment.
I accept that it may have been mischievous but the target was chosen with care. It was
Kevin Fox who stuck two fingers up to the 2,219 residents who signed the salary
petition, it was he who decided to ban photography after first saying there was
no rule against it. He sets out to annoy people, I have annoyed him.
Mr. Moore is insisting I remove the blog, but I have merely brought together
various pieces of public information and demonstrated a link between Bexley
council and 10 Downing Street. I see nothing illegal in it but will probably modify the blog before long, but it
will be on my terms, not by diktat of Bexley council. If Ms. Sampson is not
happy to be associated with Mr. Fox perhaps…
You may read
the correspondence here. Mr. Moore made no attempt to negotiate, he
thinks his word is law. It is not.
21 June (Part 2) - Standing Orders
My learned friend referred me to the law relating to council meetings yesterday. I have since had time to find Bexley’s documentation. If you are interested, read it for yourself. Be prepared to wait ages. Take a look around Sections 74 and 75.
21 June (Part 1) - Usual persecutions continue
the politicians make fools of themselves defying government policy and running
around like headless chickens the day to day council inspired injustices continue on our streets.
The poor devil from Crayford,
I think his name is Charles, who bought a parking
permit for June, July and August is still getting a parking ticket daily while
Bexley council aims to “send it shortly”. These photos were taken by a concerned neighbour on Wednesday.
The CEO is seen writing out his ticket and places it on the windscreen alongside
the letter from the council. How much is this going to cost to resolve?
20 June (Part 8) - Kevin R. Fox
Let’s finish off a pretty good day by peeing off Bexley council’s senior
jobsworth and constant thorn in the side of democracy, big time.
First go to this
Just Giving page.
Scroll down the page noting Eva [Read], Kevin Fox’s subordinate, Sandra Baxter, John
Ferry, Dave Easton and Nick Hollier. All names you have read about on this site; it
must be our Kevin. Right down the bottom you will find Abbie Sampson the first giver.
Then float across to 192.com and search for Kevin Fox. You’ll find this…
See that name? Abbie Sampson again. Well the bloke’s entitled to have a girlfriend.
Who cares?
But who is Abbie Sampson? Google comes to the rescue again. Try it for yourself.
Her website
comes up top of the list. This is what she says about herself and note the
Arsenal links shared with Kevin’s Just Giving page. Not much doubt about the association is there?
I was born and grew up in the Garden of England, staying in my home town of
Canterbury to studying Politics and Government at the University of Kent.
After university I joined Penguin Books, having a fantastic time working in the
Publicity Department where I was lucky enough to work with some of the countries
best authors and managed book tours for Paul Burrell, Nasser Hussain, Gordon
Banks, Gillian McKeith and Kim & Aggie amongst others.
I then moved into government communications working firstly at the Department
for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs where I soon became adept at crisis
communications during the outbreaks of Foot & Mouth Disease and bird flu. I then
held responsibility for communications on the Heathrow third runway proposal at
the Department for Transport.
I was appointed to the Strategic Communications Unit in Downing Street in 2008
under Gordon Brown, and then became Chief Press Officer in No.10 Press Office
after the formation of the Coalition in 2010. I was also seconded to the
Department of Health as Head of Modernisation Communications for the 'Listening
Exercise' on NHS reform in 2011.
After returning to No.10 to re-acquaint myself with Larry the Downing Street
cat, I decided to embark on a new career outside the civil service. I am now
Head of News at the consumer champion Which?.
I’m an avowed fan of the Arsenal, currently walking around rather sheepishly
this season with Thomas Vermaelen still on the back of my shirt.
I also enjoy cocktails, Danish drama and am slightly addicted to tattoos (on me,
not doing them on others).
You can follow me on Twitter at -
Quite a girl eh? That puts Kevin in the shade. He works in a down
at heel Civic Centre running around after a collection of ne’re do wells and his significant other
has run around No. 10, well, doing much the same thing really, but in more glamorous surroundings.
Just another example of these political types all feeding off each other.
I think it also explains why Bonkers gets visits most days from Which?
By the way, Kevin’s jobsworth sidekick last night was John Adams. Only obeying
orders I suppose but he probably wants his 15 minutes of fame too.
Note: With help from the people of Bexley. When they stand
united against tyranny who knows what can happen. Oh, no! Not Pitchforks and
Flaming Torches again.
20 June (Part 7) - Ladies of the night shift
Wending my way home from
the council meeting last night thinking the day
couldn’t have got much better I was accosted by two young blonde girls. Well as
you might guess it didn’t go quite like that, but I had recognised a couple of
Bexley’s domiciliary care workers on their way to their next client. I asked
them if they were aware of the tax authorities ruling that their pay and
conditions fell outside the law. They told me they were and I gave them some
ideas on how they might tackle it.
They were not at all happy with another obstacle put in their way by their
bosses. It would make no sense to most people but to stop their rota showing 16
hour shifts they were being double booked for the evening ones thereby reducing
the shift to around 12 hours. They then met up with a lot of clients complaining
they were late - inevitably. Then if the care worker complains about this
malpractice the agency cuts their work to four clients a day and starves them into submission.
One day the press will pick up on Bexley council turning a blind eye to
these Dickensian practices.
20 June (Part 6) - It’s taken 42 years but fame has finally caught up with Nicholas Dowling
Bexley Times has reported last night’s events in the council chamber. They
repeat a council spokeswoman’s lie that “Their subsequent behaviour was so
disruptive that it was impossible for the meeting to continue”. In my opinion that is two lies.
I took verbatim notes of what was said and I have reported it
word for word earlier.
Nothing else happened, no member of the public other than Nick said a word. Maybe if Nick
had actually recorded the proceedings Bexley’s lie could be proved, but most people know by now
that Bexley council’s default position is to lie so maybe the lack of a tape doesn’t matter.
The second lie is that it was impossible for the meeting to continue. They could
have continued but chose not to - except in camera - probably illegally.
As you can see from the Twitter conversation the News Shopper is on to the story
too. With Tim in charge my expectation is that the NS report will be scrupulously
accurate. Danny is a young man who studies politics - everyone is entitled to a hobby!
I can’t see Bexley’s corrupt council winning this one. Eric Pickles may be a
gasbag but he has gradually strengthened the guidance and the law. It may take
another year but eventually Bexley council will have no option.
The likelihood then is that someone with far too much time on their hands will
make a recording, no one will ever listen to it, and no one will ever bother to
do it again. To realise that takes commonsense and the problem is that no one at Bexley council
has any, not even the Labour councillors who studiously avoid comment. They, you
might remember, backed the illegal publication of residents’ addresses on the web
and with the honourable exception of Seán Newman failed to take an enlightened view of the
salaries petition.
Sad to say the only recourse the electorate might have is to vote UKIP or
Independent at the next election.
20 June (Part 5) - Toxic atmosphere
Today I had planned to provide a little insight into the sort
of things that go on within Bexley council under one of the most expensive
local authority management teams in the country, but there have been distractions.
From several independent sources extending back almost exactly two years I have been
made aware of two employees who didn’t fit into Bexley’s cultures. Their
names have popped up again in the context of BELL and
Mrs. Baker’s death in April 2012. They
were both brought in from other authorities to the CCTV/BELL operation, one
report says one was via another Bexley department, and both left well before the BELL operator
failed to answer their client’s emergency call. Some reports paint them as heroes
and others as villains. I do not know the truth of it but drawing from
my own work experience
I would guess that they had high hopes of improving procedures but found themselves at loggerheads with the Luddites.
Neither can have contributed to Mrs. Baker’s death unless you consider failing
to persuade their bosses to change tack makes them guilty so I am not going to name the innocent,
but maybe some people will recognise the initials J. McL. and K.A.
According to several reports both were dismissed for their failure to adopt Bexley’s
values, their criticism of the understaffing of BELL being specifically
mentioned. K.A. in particular is said by the same people to have been told to
pack his bags and was frog-marched to the door. No one
seems to know why but he has done pretty well for himself since. When I Google
his name it is found on page after page. He must thank his lucky stars that
Bexley kicked him out of his job.
Another complaint that has come up more than once over a long period is that people
scheduled to attend training courses are disciplined for not turning up for
their day job, or being late on shift if it was a night job. As a one off
mistake it might be understandable, but several times to different people? Are
there no competent managers at Bexley council?
The bitchiness between staff exceeds anything I ever saw in my own working life.
I have a written report that when one employee fell out with another, one lady,
if that is a word that can be used here, was discovered defecating on the
doorstep of the other and when disturbed ran away as best she could with her drawers around her
knees. I cannot be sure if there are people at the Civic Centre prepared to do that
but there is another one prepared to put the claim in writing. Either way
Tuckley and Co. are running a pretty lousy ship.
There is more…
From: Malcolm Knight
[mailto:malcolm at bexley is bonkers.co.uk]
Sent: 20 June 2013 13:43
To: 'eric pickles at communities.gsi.gov.uk'
Cc: 'james rea at thisisglobal.com'
Subject: Iain Dale. LBC radio 19th June 2013
Dear Mr. Pickles,
I have received numerous reports that you made a libellous statement about me
last night on Iain Dale’s show. The consensus is that you said about
something like “I have seen that site and some of the comments are quite
obscene”. If you have visited my website you will know that there is nothing
obscene on it except the copy of comments published via a Conservative
councillor’s phone line which accused me of committing indecent acts whilst on
council property.
Because of the extreme nature of those comments I have hidden them from view
behind a password.
My website is read each day by several parliamentarians and the police. I may
have referred to yourself as a gasbag for saying all the right things but rarely
seeing them through but I have never written anything approaching an obscenity.
I am honoured to have you as a visitor and you are welcome back at any time. I
would be especially obliged if you would do that and confirm that the site is
totally family friendly.
You may also care to note how your Bexley party colleagues led by Teresa O’Neill
are going to considerable lengths to wreck your party’s reputation. As a 100%
Conservative voter since 1964 I find that deeply disturbing. You should too.
Kind regards,
Malcolm Knight
20 June (Part 3) - Public Realm report : Round 2
The morning did not go according to plan. I should have known better than to expect anything else
but there is more you should know about last night. For a start, what the heck is the Bexley Action Group?
I was never a member of John Watson’s Bexley Council Monitoring Group but from what I can gather John is no longer able to commit
time to it and has not put in an appearance at its meetings for three or four
months. John, the group’s founder, was always a bit proprietorial about its
name, hence the new title for the remaining members. As it implies, they intend
to ratchet things up a bit having grown tired of mere monitoring. I would not be
surprised to see them all put themselves up for election next May.
last evening’s fiasco in the council chamber it seemed appropriate for the group
to hold its inaugural meeting there. See picture.
I’m tempted to join the new group, in fact I have already made a donation to its fighting fund.
Nick Dowling is pleased with the way things went last night and is hoping to be banned
from attending future meetings as that will make his story even more attractive
to the press than it is already.
Among those
350 people who have sent
emails of support and encouragement are some who I consider ‘regulars’ who have built up a reputation for good
information and among them is a legal eagle who posts from his chambers or scruffy office and likes
to help when he can. I’ve not had time to check this out yet but this morning’s contribution reads as follows…
There is no general power to hold a meeting in private. Under S.O.74, meetings must be held in public unless
business of a confidential nature is to be discussed within the meaning of
Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, but in that case a motion must be
passed making specific reference to that Act (S.O.74(3)).
Under Standing Order 75(6), "In the event of a general disturbance which in the
opinion of the Chairman renders the due and orderly despatch of business
impossible, he may, in addition to any other power vested in him/her, adjourn
the meeting for such period as he/she shall consider expedient." However, there
is no power then to resume the meeting in private, if the business to be
conducted has not been specified as confidential.
It would appear that your council is in breach of the Local Government Act 1972.
I can see Mick Barnbrook reaching for his green inked complaint pen even now.
No doubt you are expecting the link to the audio file to come up next but my
inclination has always been not to indulge in such things. You have to be a bit strange to attend council
meetings in the first place, you’d need to be totally mad to want to listen to
it afterwards.
As a bit of an audio snob myself I asked Nick after the meeting how he hoped to
get a decent recording in a room where it is never easy to hear anything. In my
opinion you’d need nothing less than a £600 condenser mic on a boom, not some
tuppenny ha’penny apology for a microphone in a matchbox. Nick agreed there was
no chance of making a decent recording as he didn’t own a suitable machine and
the best he had managed was to borrow one from a friend, which had been dropped
and didn’t work any more. He’d not even bothered to put a battery in it. I once
thought Nick was some stuffy accountant sort of fellow but he is just a big
joker after all.
So now it seems you can get a meeting stopped just by clutching a silver box and
quoting Eric Pickles. It might be fun next time for all attendees to secret a silver
box around their person and after the police had asked the first box owner to leave and
the fuzz had gone away, the next person would produce his box and start the cycle all over again.
Any volunteers?
So what if anything is Bexley council going to charge Nick with now? It can’t be
attempting to break their ban on recording. Is it a crime to indulge in
make-believe and engage a floundering chairman in debate?
20 June (Part 2) - Apologies are due
I am seriously behind with my correspondence and I am very much aware that there are emails unanswered after more than a week, including one where I had intended to make a home visit but events overtook things. in the past year about - I lost count - 350 Bexley residents have written to me with comments and suggestions, some of them dozens of times, and I think all have been answered eventually. But it might take time, quite a lot of it.
situation has not been helped by family commitments taking up three consecutive
weekends which is usually my ‘catch up’ time - and then there was the broken
fridge freezer. Here I am going to go into rant mode and wildly off topic, but I
bought a top of the range Siemens fridge freezer the price of which is currently
into four figures. It broke down six weeks after its guarantee expired.
From observations and advice from a dealer I concluded that the auto-defrost
unit had failed leading to an ice build up which fouled some fan blades which
then burned out the fan motor and the ice eventually burst the plastic housing with a loud bang.
The fan and plastic was replaced at a cost of £184 but not before a week went
by because the Siemens engineer arrived the first time without a replacement plastic box and
the new fan was dead on arrival. He did not replace the defrost unit which may
have been the first domino that fell down and all was well for three months.
Then the fridge section failed to cool again because the fan had stalled once more.
I let it defrost naturally for a while after which the fan turned making a
ratchet noise as it rubbed against the ice. At least it hadn't burned out this
time. I called Siemens on their premium rate phone line only to be greeted by
the same message as three months earlier. ‘Lines are not open until 8 a.m.’ and
each time it was mid-morning or later. I negotiated their website and made an on
line booking for a service visit and the first available was for nine days hence
- on a £1,000 fridge - so I took up the ‘we’ll call you’ option to let them know what
I thought of them.
No call came through so I found and used an email address and they replied to
the effect I had confirmed the booking which I had not.
I’ve not been without a fridge since the 1940s when I lived in a prefab
(which were equipped with fridges as standard) following an argument with the Luftwaffe. Since then I have seen Frigidaires,
Coldrators, Prestcolds and later on Hotpoints come and go to be replaced only
when they didn’t suit a new kitchen. The things just went on for ever. But not
£1,000 Siemens. So fed up with the thing and not caring if I permanently broke
it, it has been in bits on my kitchen floor while blogs are written upstairs and
the milk goes off down. I found the defrost unit wasn’t even connected to its
power socket and now don’t know if it is broken, hence failure 1, or merely not
put back together properly, hence failure 2. But I got it back together OK and
it is now working fine, no thanks to Siemens - the same company to whom Bexley
has entrusted its CCTV system.
I told Siemens by email that I was going to tell all my friends about it and then they rang to
dissuade me, but stuff them!
The moral of the story is don’t buy an expensive Siemens, Bosch or Neff appliance or any
other German crud because the company offers zero service. Just get a cheapo
from Italy and throw it away and get a new one if it breaks.
And now I am even further behind with the blogging!
20 June (Part 1) - The Public Realm Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting that never was
night’s Public Realm’s meeting promised to be a good one. On the Agenda
was the plan for Sidcup High Street and the proposals for revised parking
regulations and if that was not attraction enough it is chaired by the habitually useless and occasionally
unpleasnt Cheryl Bacon. The evening did not start well.
As I descended the steps outside Sainsbury’s en-route to the Civic Centre I
bumped into the Bexley Action Group so we all piled into the Civic Centre
together enjoying pleasant conversation with the friendly doorman and then up
the stairs to the council chamber where our problems began.
As the hearing afflicted headed for the best seats their way was blocked by a
jobsworth who claimed to be acting on the instructions of Kevin R. Fox. “Over
there” he said, pointing at some more distant seats. Mick Barnbrook and Elwyn
Bryant stood their ground and the jobsworth disappeared for a short while
returning to say Kevin R. Fox had confirmed his instructions. I don’t usually
involve myself in Fox’s petty minded nonsenses regarding them as
manna from Heaven to a news reporting blogger; however this time was an exception. I said to
the jobsworth “If you are going to play silly buggers so will I. Fetch me the
reporter’s table to which I am legally entitled”.
A minute later the doorman arrived with a table and I had to whisper my apology
to him. Only the day before I had told him that I wouldn’t be needing a table. I
think he understood.
While perusing the Agenda just a couple of minutes before the meeting was due to
begin I heard Nicholas Dowling’s voice. He was up the front speaking to chairman
Cheryl and announced his intention to make an audio recording of the proceedings
and was seeking permission in accordance with the June 2013 statement from the
Department of Communities and Local Government. (See below, scroll as necessary.)
said that council protocols prohibited it and Nicholas said he believed central government
instructions took precedence over hers. As he returned to his seat clutching a silver coloured contraption
the size of a matchbox the pompous ass otherwise known as Gareth Bacon called
out “You’ll be ejected if you try”. By now it was precisely 19:30.
Cheryl began the meeting with the usual diatribe about no recording and Nick
stood up and read out the Department for Communities guidance to members of the
public which allows councils no obvious leeway. A quivering voice from the front
announced the meeting was adjourned. It was 19:32.
Eight minutes later a shaking voice from the front repeated her outmoded
warning. “If you continue causing a disturbance you will be ejected”. Nicholas
asked “Why?”. My head was down busily scribbling at the time but I believe it
was councillor Peter Reader who said something along the lines of “because it is
not a public meeting” implying that that made Eric Pickles’ announcement irrelevant.
At 19:51 Nicholas stood up again and calmly reread Pickles’ statement.
Councillors June Slaughter and Peter Reader both repeated the line that this was
not a public meeting it was a scrutiny meeting. I expected better of Mrs.
Slaughter, until that point all the more sensible councillors had stayed silent.
Three minutes went by before a squeaky voice very hesitantly announced that “as
the disruption has not stopped the meeting is formally adjourned until 20:15”.
The police were called and all but one of the councillors left the room some
glad of the opportunity to “go outside for a fag”.
News reached us that the police had indicated they had better things to do and
it might be anything up to an hour before we saw them and at 20:15 on the dot
Cheryl and her cronies trooped back in. Cheryl, by now almost unable to
speak, restated her position and that the Public Realm meeting is “an executive
meeting held in public”. Not apparently a public meeting. She appeared to
concede that recording will be allowed at public meetings, it’s just that Bexley
council doesn’t hold any. Nick continued to clutch his little silver gadget so
at 20:18 she announced the meeting was to be “held in closed session” and the
Pied Piper led her rats out again.
A member of the public, well Mick Barnbrook actually, who was as surprised by
the turn of events as I was - Nick had not announced his intentions to his
friends beforehand - twice asked Cheryl Bacon under which protocol or standing
order she was depriving him of his right to see the presentation and hear the
debate on the plans for Sidcup High Street. She ignored him the first time and
said she was “too busy” the second. Somewhere in the back of my mind I seem to
recall reading that a council must give notice of holding a public meeting in
closed session. No doubt time will tell.
So the remaining members of the public and the Action Group sat there waiting to
see what would happen next.
At 20:26 two jovial Bobbies showed up, constables Little and Large. I jest, but
one did have about ten inches over the other. Mick Barnbrook began to explain the
situation to them but they said they were regular Bonkers readers and led us to
believe they already knew exactly what Bexley council was like. After a short but
pleasant conversation of a type that Cheryl Bacon probably wasn’t expecting, they asked
us what we planned to do next, to which the answer was “go home”. So we did, collecting a
half of beer each on the way. Well not Nick, he only drinks orange juice and lemonade.
Having made this hasty formal report of yesterday’s
non-meeting, some less formal
comment will follow after breakfast.
19 June (Part 3) - Finance and Corporate Services Committee meeting
It’s not a week since the last Finance meeting
which Nicholas Dowling reported but last
night it was me who drew the short straw. I don’t think the council expected many
observers as there were only two copies of the Agenda provided for public use
and none at all of the ‘Performance Dashboard’ which made following all the
meeting in detail impossible.
The council was right to assume public apathy, I sat in solitary splendour and
was welcomed to the meeting by councillor Philip Read. Philip is one of the better
committee chairmen; if he hadn’t proved himself a vindictive wotsit by reporting
blogger Olly Cromwell to the police for no reason and causing him to be flung in
the cells for 24 hours by Bexleyheath policemen anxious to please their
paymasters (†), I might be tempted to say Read is the best. Not that the competition
is that great of course.
Even Read is not perfect. He made the standard announcement that I could not film
the meeting for fear I might offend myself by getting into the field of view
without giving myself permission.
Unlike Nicholas who enjoys analysing all the council’s figures I think I am
qualified only to report the highlights. I waited seven minutes for the first of
them which was a noisy disturbance on the stairs outside, raised voices etc. One
of the Directors promptly closed the connecting door but not before I spotted
the culprit. It was Chief Executive Will Tuckley.
Another was the bald statement on page 12 of the Agenda which said “Bexley was
recently rated fifth in the country for best environment and infrastructure
overall”. Councillor Colin Tandy who is not so
as Nicholas suggested wanted to know why and how and where the statement came from. None of the
council officers nor the cabinet member knew, not even directors Ellsmore and
Moore. I concede the parks are plentiful and nice but infrastructure? No
Underground, no Thames crossing, no proper hospital. Surely there must be more
than four boroughs nationwide who can do better than that. Councillor Seán
Newman made a similar point but was rebuffed by
train-spotter Tandy who said we had three
railway lines to London and the A2, never mentioning that it leads only to a perma-jam at Blackwall tunnel.
Tandy also asked for elucidation of some staffing reduction figures; interestingly
it said there would be a further reduction of eight posts when the BELL service ends
at the end of July. I had heard it was being sold off in August.
Councillor Tandy, obviously in fine form, asked about the ratings for various
Strategy 2014 projects which are graded red, amber or green to denote the
success of their contribution to budget savings. “How far below green is amber?”
He got no answer, it was all subjective based on the opinion of the project
manager. The opportunities for fiddling were bandied about but Deputy Director
Graham Ward said “it would be very difficult to put a formulaic approach in place”.
Councillor Craske, referred to a council sponsored poll which claimed “74% of
our residents said they would recommend Bexley to friends or family” and wanted
to know what the other 25% (sic) were thinking of. He
said our retail occupancy rate was better than elsewhere too. 12% nationally and
8.7% in Bexley. Perhaps he has
filled the gaps with betting shops. We have
the best schools in the country too. Believe it if you like.
Councillor Maxine Fothergill wanted to know the average cost of keeping a family
in temporary accommodation but she went home none the wiser.
Councillor Mike Slaughter wanted to know the fate of Lamorbey Baths and Director
Mike Ellsmore said he would come back to him on that. Fortunately Colin Campbell
rode to the rescue, saying he had a business interest in it and it was sold six
months ago. He went on to say that the council owned more than 400 properties
but the value of most had been realised years ago and were now leased for
nominal annual sums.
Another useful piece of information from councillor Campbell is that he didn’t
expect Bexley to benefit from Business Rates being increased with inflation (RPI).
Government he forecast, would come along and snatch the income back through
reduced grants. He was similarly realistic on Health spending. Bexley is bottom
of the league in London and improving Children’s Services is proving to be very
difficult as “good social workers do not grow on trees”.
Councillor Peter Craske wanted to make a political point by talking about an
alleged Labour proposal to put all service charges on to the rates. Over
councillor Newman’s protestations he indicated that council tax might go up by
17·5%. Councillor Tandy said that Croydon Council did something similar years
ago which resulted in a typical Labour mess, as opposed to a typical Tory mess presumably.
Craske also said that the council could sell all its car parks to raise money
and help reduce council tax, they were under no legal obligation to provide
parking spaces. Not sure if he was serious or just likes the sound of his own voice.
Councillor Slaughter is not easily duped and queried the claimed procurement savings on the
cost of school meals. Council officer Tariq Bashir said it had been achieved through
raising quality which if true should assure him of glory in some more worthy
food related post. Slaughter was suitably sceptical as well he might be.
Councillor Slaughter also noted the reduced costs of ferrying children to
swimming lessons and implied that it was because schools could no longer afford
to send children swimming. Or maybe he didn’t because he forgot to turn his microphone on.
Councillor Steven Hall wanted to know if the council had been able to ensure
that the main contractor for the new Civic Centre takes on local firms for
sub-contact work. Only influence was the answer,
although not without some degree of success.
The meeting ended at 20:54.
† He was released on the orders of a judge.
This report is not in chronological sequence because I foolishly scribbled over
the Agenda as well as the usual note book. Reassembling things would take more
time than is available.
19 June (Part 2) - Thinking aloud and no thinking allowed
This BELL business in which a
lady unfortunately died has created a fair bit of interest as I thought it would.
Reporting it requires me to tread carefully, relying on documentary evidence and trying
to put natural prejudices aside, and I fear I may not be very good at that. Perhaps I should explain.
For more than 30 years I tinkered with the works inside GPO and BT telephone
exchanges which might be considered to be a bigger version of Bexley council’s CCTV and
emergency call system (BELL). The common features are cables, switches, call routing
diagrams, that the staff is well trained and the management understands the
technicalities. Without that things quickly go pear-shaped.
I am in danger of alienating half my readers here but during those 30 odd years
I had twelve bosses, two of whom were female. Neither had the foggiest idea of
how a telephone exchange worked but then neither did two of the men. However the
big difference was that the females were skivers, disappearing for long periods,
shopping or powdering their noses or something, which bothered me not one jot,
the less often they were there the better. The problem was that both would occasionally
lose all reason and decide to sack someone on a whim. Get a complaint, disagree with
someone’s point of view, out the door they went. Not for long usually. The GPO was a
Civil Service Department and official dismissal procedures would take months if not
years and BT was no different in its early days. However both my female bosses would
jump in with both feet and tell someone they were sacked. Rules disregarded, reasons optional.
In the almost four years this blog has been going I have been shown files from
disgruntled (obviously) staff who claim to have been unfairly dismissed from
Bexley council. An official reason is always given but whether it is the real or
justifiable one can be a matter for debate.
The proportion of dismissal decisions made by women is high but perhaps not unduly so given
their dominance of Bexley council’s middle management, but what gives me a dose of déjà vu is
that a study of the case papers has always revealed inconsistencies and where relevant, total
ignorance of anything even slightly technical. I think this BELL case is heading
in that direction too but maybe it’s my old prejudices coming to the fore. It’s best you
know that and perhaps bear it in mind as things progress.
In cases such as this I generally let the blog run behind the known facts to allow thinking
time so it will not surprise you to know that I have already acquired documents which include
many of the names working with BELL at the time of the April 2012 disaster.
email yesterday asked “I wonder why Maureen Holkham's beaming visage graces your
latest item on 'Death by Council Cuts'? I think we should be told!” The simple
honest answer is that hers is just one of many names involved but the only one for
whom I have a picture. On reflection her inclusion was less than fair especially as
no explanation for the picture’s presence was offered thereby allowing unfounded conclusions
to be drawn; so I removed it. This provoked another email; "Where has Maureen Holkham gone?"
You lot rarely miss a trick.
Ms. Holkham was in charge of Communications (CCTV and BELL) in the months
and years leading up to Mrs. Baker’s untimely demise but the responsibility
appears to have been reassigned to Adult Care (Tom
Brown) in April 2012. Almost certainly coincidence and of no great significance anyway.
I have no evidence that Ms. Holkham was directly involved in the decision to inadequately staff
BELL overnight although you would think that an £88,088 p.a. Deputy Director in post since 2007
might be bright enough for the disaster potential to cross her mind. Maybe it’s my prejudices
coming to the fore but I am seeing technical incompetence again if over five
whole years the Deputy Director failed to anticipate the consequences of an unanswered call.
Observing Ms. Holkham at meetings
does nothing to boost my confidence levels, nor did sight of a different set of dismissal papers.
If I was a newspaper journalist I might be content to leave the case at this
point. That Bexley council allowed one inexperienced operator
to handle their emergency call system single handed and that a call went
unanswered and a lady died must be a story in itself. The fact that nothing
was known of the death until now is indicative of a cover-up which might add colour to
that story. But Bonkers is not a newspaper and will not leave things there. Where names
are known they will be named. When Teresa O’Neill marched into Bexleyheath police station
demanding I should be arrested for “criticising councillors on a personal level”
she abused her powers attempting to ensure the secrecy she craves. Any expectation I might cooperate
with her ambitions were instantly forfeited.
In the days to come more will be revealed about the way Bexley council manages its affairs.
Its senior managers contributed to the death of a vulnerable person, one of 2,000 or more if reports
are correct, who pay a fiver a week for the peace of mind that help is only a bell push away.
Bexley council failed them and if procedures have improved, there is as yet no evidence of it.
19 June (Part 1) - Unintentional career wrecking
Yesterday’s email to Mr. Easton
was speedily acknowledged. It has been sent to the Head of Legal Services for an answer. It
also provoked a flurry of emails from readers. I am guessing that this one came from one of
the small number of assumed council insiders who send anonymous messages. “Your kind words
about Mr. Easton are unlikely to help his cause with leading councillors, whereas your
antipathy towards Mr. Fox only serves to reinforce his reputation as a hero in
their eyes.” Sounds about right to me. There’s honour among thieves.
Another reader has written directly to Mr. Pickles to ask him to read
the News Shopper’s report.
Bexley council is expert at ensuring it gets maximum bad publicity.
18 June (Part 3) - News Shopper reports that Bexley council defies Eric Pickles again
Mr. Easton (Head of Electoral and Members’ Services) is one of Bexley council’s good guys whose unfortunate lot is to be nanny, slave and general factotum to Bexley’s bad guys.
RE: Department for Communities and Local Government - Law changes
Dear Mr. Easton,
We exchanged emails under the above heading last Autumn following the law
changes by Eric Pickles' department. I told you I was not interested in the
continuous video or audio recording of public meetings advocated by Mr. Pickles
but would like to take the occasional photograph.
Mr. Fox replied to my first email to you saying I would not be allowed to take a
photograph at a meeting but to my surprise said the protocols did allow photography
before a meeting started and I only had to forewarn yourself of my intention.
So I wrote to you explaining what I had in mind, and maybe it was over more than
one email, but I said I would be happy with a wide angle shot, without the use
of flash, from a position of your choosing and with you or a delegated
substitute to review which if any photographs could be used. The proposal was
tantamount to handing you the camera and telling you which button to press.
Mr. Fox, unreasonable as ever, replied on your behalf to say that despite the
protocols to which he had referred me, he would not allow any photographs to be
taken. I often think that Mr. Fox is on a personal mission to destroy any
vestigial reputation that Bexley council might still retain and I should have
reported him to the Ombudsman but sometimes the pressures of time preclude even
the most obvious courses of action.
As you will know, the Communities Secretary returned to his theme last Friday
and made it very clear that he expects councils, even disreputable ones, to open
up their meetings to bloggers and the like and left little room for doubt on
what was expected of them. I had planned to write to you to ask what Bexley
council would be doing to ensure compliance but I see
the News Shopper has
beaten me to it. The newspaper's report is that the leadership of Bexley council
remains defiant. I am afraid I am seeking a more specific and personal response.
I hereby formally request to be allowed to take photographs during any council
meeting, (not video or audio; as already stated I have no use for that) in
accordance with the recent instructions from central government.
I seek the council’s official response and reasoning to both that actual
request, and separately, to audio/visual recording should I, or someone else,
seek to make one.
Upon receipt of your reply it is likely that I will forward it to my MP with a
request that she hands it personally to Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary.
In the Spring of 2011 following Bexley council's decision to change its
Constitution to counter government guidance she agreed to pass my complaint to
Mr. Pickles personally and since Bexley council remains intent on maintaining
its position among the country's least democratic, I have few doubts she will
agree to act as messenger again.
Please accept my apologies for writing to you in a manner that is perhaps less
friendly than we would both wish. Because this correspondence will likely be
seen by others, and possibly misunderstood, I wish to fully acknowledge and
place on the record that you have always treated me with the utmost respect and
courtesy and do your best for residents in what I imagine to be difficult
circumstances. No personal criticism of yourself is intended nor would it be
justified. Nevertheless I must demand a comprehensive reply.
best regards,
Malcolm Knight
18 June (Part 2) - The elderly are failed by one Bexley system while motorists are pursued by another
While Bexley council mismanages its emergency call out system a better oiled part of the council’s machinery continues to operate as normal. Parking enforcement continues with its mission to maximise revenues. Here’s a quick update on last week’s reports.
Crayford driver ticketed on the 12th because he was still awaiting delivery of his Residents’ Permit
valid from 1st June has been given another Penalty Notice; the third by my reckoning.
Comments and photographs have come from a concerned passer-by and reports here
have been entirely based on his information. However the driver himself has also
been in touch. He appears to be a patient man and merely hopes they will be cancelled.
The man from Erith who was ticketed by BBL559 while hunting for the proof of
residency demanded by the target seeking CEO did not believe in merely hoping.
He fired off several complaints and FOIs. His complaints to Will Tuckley and
cabinet member Gareth Bacon have gone unanswered but his ticket has been cancelled
as a gesture of goodwill. As a gesture of goodwill it appears to have failed miserably.
Bacon seems to be developing a reputation for not answering letters from those
who fund his £76,000 of councillor allowances.
Road continues to provide parking stories, this time not the fact that it is
empty all week because of phone only parking, but because it is well used on Sundays.
In London parking on the pavement, even a tyre on the kerb by an inch, is not
permitted except where appropriate signage exists. It doesn’t matter if a car
obstructs the footpath much less than a tree, lamp post or bus stop, or it eases
the passage of traffic. It’s not allowed, intelligent application of
the law doesn’t come into it, it’s purely a decision based on maximising
revenue. Nothing else matters.
The unfortunate driver of the car parked next to a tree was not aware of the
rule and thought he was helping fellow motorists. If he wasn’t such a helpful
chap he would be £110 better off. If he wasn’t such a helpful chap he wouldn’t
have been in Bexleyheath on a Sunday at all; he had come to help out with a
problem that had developed in one of the Broadway shops. He’s not going to come
to Bexleyheath again so once again Bexley council helps drive another local
business to the wall.
Did you see this
News Shopper report? Don’t all laugh at once.
18 June (Part 1) - Death by council cuts
I imagine that some of Bexley council’s staff are unhappy with the way their employer handled the aftermath of
the death of Barbara Baker
who subscribed to the council’s emergency call pendant scheme known as
BELL, as a
bit more information has drifted my way.
It would appear that both the CCTV surveillance team and the BELL operators used to
be in the Civic Centre occupying rooms either side of a corridor. Staffing levels
were minimal and overnight one would look out for the other should there be a
need to visit the toilet or the kitchen. When it was proposed that Siemens take
over and move out with the CCTV equipment, staff pointed out that it would be
necessary for Bexley council to schedule a second BELL operator through the
night to cover absences and, I would have thought, the not impossible scenario
of someone falling asleep in the early hours.
Bexley’s management argued otherwise and any members of staff who put their
case more forcibly found themselves in various forms of hot water. That
seems to be the way of Bexley council, I’ve seen it before in cases I have
not yet obtained permission to publish.
On the fateful day, or rather night; the emergency call came through just after
1 a.m., a new operator was on duty and his training is said to have been
incomplete or otherwise inadequate. To avoid a lengthy description every time he
is mentioned in future I am going to call him Andy. For reasons that are not yet
fully apparent, the computer system went into a sort of stand-by
mode when Mrs. Baker’s call was not immediately answered. Andy was not sufficiently
experienced to recognise the symptoms and it was five hours before he took any
remedial steps - by which time the unfortunate lady was dead.
When the manager came in later in the morning, Andy was immediately sacked for
switching the system effectively off. Others said that he could not have done
that (no permissions on the computer) but, it is alleged, the manager was in
panic mode and wouldn’t listen to reason. Is instant dismissal legal?
It has been suggested that the system engineer examined the server logs which
showed exactly what happened and they proved that Andy could not have committed
the operational error for which he was dismissed - although I suppose he could
simply have fallen asleep. But no one has suggested that.
Maybe Bexley council was concerned the logs might be incriminating because lockers,
cupboards and desk drawers were searched (even locked ones with no staff in attendance) in an
effort to secure all copies of the server logs and one or more were taken
away and never seen again. Destroyed presumably, making ultimate proof of any
Bexley council cover up difficult to obtain. Maybe something else will turn up.
17 June (Part 3) - Undesirable elements
council lost its court battle today to stop its 84th betting shop opening.
News reports said that there were more than 20 gambling dens in Green Street
alone. When I was a lad Green Street was a nice place to shop; but I digress.
Several news reports carried the story of how high stakes gambling machines
attract “undesirable elements” and the ITV report was particularly good. To
illustrate it they showed this picture; must have been one of their stock images
because the report didn’t mention the name of the players or that Craske is PR man for the betting industry.
Click for
ITV video report. 1 m. 25 secs. is the place to look.
Greenwich council made a mistake and installed a speed hump
a few feet over their boundary
with Bexley, Bexley got all stroppy and insisted Greenwich remove it despite the protests of its own residents.
It’s a good job Greenwich council is not so childish because Bexley is not above exceeding its authority either. There has been a
Bexley council CCTV sign outside Abbey Wood railway station for the past 18
months. Abbey Wood station as is relatively well known situated within the borough of
Greenwich, not by much it is true, but it would seem that Bexley council expects
Greenwich to obey the letter of the boundary law but forgive its own little indiscretions.
Presumably Bexley’s petty minded officials will go ballistic if they take a
stroll along the Green Chain Walk from Lesnes Abbey to Southmere Lake which runs
a quarter of a mile inside the Bexley boundary. Throughout its length Greenwich
council has put up warnings to dog owners. Many of them have been quickly defaced to
the point of unreadability but some remain as the associated images
prove. Perhaps Greenwich is as Bonkers as Bexley.
Note: Final three photographs taken today. Click any to enlarge.
17 June (Part 1) - Corporate boredom
Even the most exciting of council meetings have their boring bits and at some
of the more obscure ones the bore quotient can reach 100%. If I see
‘Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee’ on the
council’s calendar it’s not much of an incentive to head for the Civic Centre.
My colleague Nicholas Dowling has a special interest in the money side of
council affairs and isn’t so easily put off. He had read the Agenda to last
Thursday’s meeting in advance and decided that it would be difficult to stretch the
meeting out for longer than ten minutes and he lives close by so he became Bexley
council’s almost solitary observer. This is his report…
I thought I’d wander up and see what was afoot at the
Finance and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and as usual
I was not part of a big crowd; there was one other member of the public present and I
think he was a guest of the Labour councillors.
Noting that there was one Agenda item to be nodded through I was not expecting a
lengthy affair; and I was not wrong. Starting at 7:15 p.m. chairman Philip Read
sped through proceedings in four minutes flat - and that included a nice jibe from
councillor Stefano Borella enquiring why such a paltry meeting had to be held anyway.
It transpired the reason was councillor Read’s failure to notice that the item on the
Arrangements for Undertaking the Committee’s Business had not been put to the vote at the
previous two minute meeting held on 22nd May 2013. This is precisely the sort of incompetence
expected of a Bexley councillor trousering a £7,689.92 special allowance on
top of his councillor’s pay!
With this faux pas dealt with we moved rapidly on to the
Business Rates Retention Scrutiny sub-group meeting which started at 7:21pm. It
was left to the doddering councillor Colin Tandy to nominate the rogue
councillor Peter Craske as chairman of this august body – it appears that the
dastardly councillor must serve more purdah before his sins are fully
forgotten but his cronies want to sling him another allowance to make up for
last year’s fall in councillor income.
His chairmanship was far from exemplary and the meeting was definitely one
of the most amateurish affairs I have attended; more akin to a brainstorming
session without too many brains being engaged. There was little or no structure to the meeting,
the Agenda points were addressed at whim by all and sundry and frankly nobody had a great deal to
say of pertinence to the matter in hand.
Craske launching into a clearly unprepared and off the cuff introduction
to this sub-group was almost immediately interrupted by his sponsor councillor
Colin Tandy and Peter allowed Colin to launch into a lengthy
ramble regarding his interpretation of the Finance Department’s background paper
on business rates retention. Suffice to say he managed to regurgitate it quite well,
although I am not sure how he believed he was enlightening his peers who had all clearly
read it for themselves.
We then had John Peters, the Deputy Director of Finance and Mike Ellsmore the
Director of Finance and Resources expand on things a little by pointing out that
there was no new money on offer and that ratable values were not going to be set
by local authorities; the gist of the deal being that for every £1 achieved
above a set base business rate of monies already collected, 30 pence would accrue to
the council’s coffers. On the other hand, we were reminded that there is a potential
£140 million black hole owing to outstanding appeals to the business rates dating back
to 2005. Fortunately it turns out that the two incinerators that Bexley council
permitted are jackpot business rate ticket items as are large retail units – the
proffered example being Tesco on the Civic Centre site. So now we start to see
the method in their planning madness!
Bexley, we were informed, had achieved a paltry 6% business rate growth in ten
years with the main reason for this being put down to poor or inadequate
transport links into and out of the Borough. Still nothing succeeds like failure
in local government and Will Tuckley can be rightly proud that his vastly
expensive leadership over much of that time has resulted in Bexley being able to go cap in
hand to central government and qualify for a £13·8 million
top-up for being unable to raise its assessed need from local
business rates. Funny how none of the Conservative councillors chose to dwell on the reason
for this windfall. I wonder if our glorious leader Teresa O’Neill will highlight this
‘success’ in her next Pravda report to the council?
did anybody have any ideas to raise extra business rates? No, not really.
However, councillor Nigel Betts did want his hairdresser to actually pay some
business rates as this astute businessman was using all sorts of reliefs to
mitigate any liability. How dare he? Warming to his theme Nigel’s next thrust
was to target businesses that operate from residential addresses.
Never let it be said that Tories want to encourage small business and
kindle the spark of entrepreneurial spirit. No helping hand from Nigel as he
wants you to pay tax and, yes, much more tax.
You could see the look of horror on Mike Ellsmore’s face at this suggestion. No doubt
he was thinking about how difficult it would be to define, let alone track and
trace these home outfits, and concentrating a lot of effort on these low value
businesses. They are bound to be small operations if they are based
in a shed, garage or spare room. It cannot be cost effective. Luckily
his colleague John Peters came to the rescue with a very plausible point that if
you charge business rates you cannot then charge council tax and you would also
lose any new homes bonus as well if that had previously applied. There was a
collective sigh of relief from the other Conservatives as they realised that they
could legitimately ignore this vote losing suggestion from one of their own!
Following on from the earlier point about poor transport links in Bexley, Labour
councillor Seán Newman saw a great opportunity to suggest, with a beaming smile,
that it would be splendid idea to promote a bridge over the Thames as
this would undoubtedly enhance ratable business values and provide more business
rates to the council. The red faced chairman, councillor Peter Craske turned a
deeper shade of beetroot and was for some reason rather dismissive of this point.
Councillor Newman then came up with the best idea of the meeting by suggesting that
council officers could get back to them with regeneration ideas and costings in order
that they could better understand the effects of improved transport links on
business rates and ratable values. This seemed to make Mike Ellsmore cringe
as he claimed it was a fairly futile exercise to try and guess the economic
effects of redevelopment. However, the idea did seem to have some
cross party support. I guess we will have to just wait and see if anything comes
of Sean’s brainwave. I mean who would have the audacity to try and use real
evidence to make a decision here in Bexley? Next they’ll be demanding accurate
forecasts and real targets? Crikey, where will it all end?
Mike Ellsmore then masterfully steered the sub-group towards
looking at reliefs on the business rates and no doubt this is the kind of tinkering
that will keep councillors and their officers suitably happy. I suspect that it won’t
generate a great deal of extra revenue but if maintaining the status quo and their own
salaries and perks is a primary motivation, it was a job well done.
Luckily the ruddy chairman, councillor Peter Craske wanted to democratise
business rates - which I must confess had me rather bemused. Still, this blue
sky thinking was later explained to all and sundry as a quid pro quo to local
businesses in that if you could get them to pay more business rates then you
could offer them more development and services. Obviously it was not
explained or considered how you would regenerate down at heel areas with this
cart before the proverbial donkey approach but then why let a little matter of
detail get in the way of the only suggestion you can come up with?
Peter Craske having heard enough of his group for one night glanced at the clock and
went into splendidly vague mode. He wasn’t sure if they would need a further
three or four meetings to finalise a report; nor could he say what it would be
about, but rest assured he was going to go away and work on something and
get back to them all at a point, yet to be determined, in the future. The
meeting was closed by 8 p.m., a staggering 39 minutes of very poor meeting.
I was far from impressed but not really surprised as I my expectations are
always low. The whole sorry affair was a complete waste of time and will produce absolutely nothing
of merit. They really do need to do better!
There, I told you it would be boring didn’t I? Not even Nicholas can spice it up.
have been away for a couple of days and couldn’t look in on the Crayford Fun Day
as I did last year.
Like with the Erith Riverside Festival there is no obvious support by Bexley council.
Fortunately a willing volunteer showed up to cover for my absence and his report follows…
A great day, with lots of people of all ages enjoying the sunny, windy with showers in between,
day. The strong man event was a great attraction and the many charity stalls and local dance
clubs provided an enjoyable day.
I arrived about 1 p.m. due to work commitments and after he official opening David Evennett, M.P. However the
lack of support and presences of local councillors was a let down. The only councillor I saw was Howard Marriner
adorned by his Rotary Club bib. [Same as last year]. I had expecting our deputy mayor Geraldene
Lucia-Hennis to be there, Crayford being her patch' and to show the people of Crayford
her mayoral outfit. Maybe she had other commitments.
No sign of councillor Melvin Seymour either; maybe he was out painting! Perhaps Bexley council
could engage him to repaint faded yellow lines or better still,
paint some road markings in Bexleyheath!
So we all know where we are supposed to be!
Nevertheless it was a good day which would be better with more support from some
of the traders in the town.
I heard that the ‘cafe in the park’ for want of a better name, has found someone
to reopen it. However I feel that the restrictions in place about what
may be sold and when will again make it unviable.
15 June - Broadway. It’s terrific! Or should that be terrorific?
to council leader Teresa O’Neill the new arrangements in Broadway will “lead to further economic regeneration as early indications are
already showing”. Where it shows she doesn’t say, however she does say the changes have
resulted “in a higher quality and more usable street area with enhanced road safety’.
Maybe it is unfair of me to highlight Arnsberg Way which is currently blocked to
pedestrians by building materials. No provision has been made for safely
crossing the road but at least it is only temporary. Unfortunately the parking bays in Broadway aren’t.
No one needs reminding that pedestrian crossings are marked on each side with lengthy
zig-zag lines where parking is prohibited so as not to impede
the view. Bexley council has thrown all that out of the window. The car shown is legally
parked in a Disabled bay right next door to a shared space pedestrian crossing place. View
very much restricted. What is Teresa trying to do?
Kill more residents?
on Broadway with my camera has got me into many conversations with
curious passers-by. The condemnation of the scheme is universal and I have
encouraged some to write to Teresa with their views. She needs to be brought
down to earth because at the moment she is telling enquirers that at “the Civic
Parade on Sunday a number of people there said how terrific the changes were”.
I’m not sure when that could have happened because I and a friend or two shadowed
O’Neill on her walk from Christ Church to the Clocktower where she sat within
the VIP’s enclosure and when the ceremonials were concluded went and stood
by her limousine waiting to be whisked away. I have loads of photographs and she
kept close to councillor Colin Campbell, David Evenett MP, Will Tuckley and
young Master Perrior. I suspect the true number of people who complimented
Teresa on the road began with a big fat Z.
14 June (Part 3) - Blockbuster Eric
taken his time about getting there, but Eric Pickles, Communities Secretary, has
just announced that Bexley council’s block on all forms of recording of their
meetings will be busted by law. The council’s premier jobsworth, Kevin Fox, will no longer
be able to say that photography is permitted by protocols but
he personally
refuses permission and the cretinous former mayor Alan Downing’s repetitive announcement that
he prohibits photography to protect members of the public is exposed as the lie it always was.
The only negative I see is that I will never know whether newly appointed mayor Sharon Massey would
have been stupid enough to pursue the same course of action. Now I must rely on more subtle indicators
of whether she will represent a break in the long line of disappointing mayors.
Note: The Department for Communities has now issued a press release.
14 June (Part 2) - Fatal clangers
the last few months a trickle of anonymous but alarming messages about Bexley council’s
Emergency Link Line (BELL) have found their way into the Inbox. Anonymous messages are always
difficult to handle because it would be all too easy for a malevolent council to set
me up, but gradually the evidence, such that it was, began to stack up into a
plausible story. On 6th June I felt confident enough about some of it to float
a speculative story,
mainly in the hope of flushing more information out of the woodwork. The tactic
seems to have worked.
I am now absolutely sure that Bexley council was knowingly using substandard
equipment with dangerously depleted staff levels and as a result one (possibly
more) of Bexley’s BELL clients died.
The unfortunate lady was Barbara Baker of 26 Meadows Court - pictured last week - who in April last
year pressed the button on her emergency necklace and got no response from the
Control Room in Bexley’s Civic Offices.
The lady died, two Bexley employees were sacked, and the manager who put them in
an impossible position was left to carry on and arrange the cover up. Management
competence fully up to Bexley council’s usual standard and involving names I
have heard before in similar, but less deadly, circumstances.
A number of named councillors are similarly involved.
14 June (Part 1) - You read it here first
council is content to allow its care workers to be paid less than the
minimum wage. It turns a blind eye to staff not being paid for travelling
between jobs. It is illegal but when did the law ever stop Bexley council?
It was reported here in some detail in April and the man to blame is councillor Chris Taylor.
Yesterday afternoon
The Guardian newspaper covered the same ground. It has quoted HMRC who
confirm that the payment practice does not “cover the working period from a national
minimum wage point of view”. So Bexley council is implicated in yet another criminal act.
From observing care facilities provided to a disabled friend I noted that most
visiting carers stayed for just a minute or two over a multiple of 15
minutes and then left in a great hurry. They conceded that they are paid in 15
minute segments or part thereof so a 31 minute session provides 14 minutes of
paid travelling time. When your working conditions are so appalling, working the
system is the only way to survive. Chris Taylor was paid £22,309 last year for
master-minding Bexley’s illegal scheme which is at least 50% more than the most
industrious care worker can expect to receive. He works just a few voluntary hours a week
13 June (Part 2) - Bexley council. Penalizing motorists at every opportunity
has been an unusually large number of parking related enquiries in recent days, nothing like the silly case in Lewisham where
a jobsworth ticketed a hearse
which had stopped outside a church to allow the pall bearers to remove the coffin.
Such things do happen in Bexley but not this week as far as I know. Three reports have
involved Residents Parking Permits and two are nearly identical. The complaint is
that Bexley does not remind residents when their permit is about to expire, not even an
email to those who made the purchase on line.
Nick Dowling suffered that but as he is at work by the time the restricted hours
commence and is on his way home at the time they end, he escaped a fine (†). A Crayford
resident was not so lucky. A passer-by sent me the associated
photograph taken yesterday. Details have been obliterated but the receipt attached to the windscreen
reveals that Bexley council took payment for a three month permit commencing 1st
June on the 10th and that the permit would be “sent to you shortly”. Not shortly enough
to prevent a fine a day until the permit turns up.
A resident of Erith was ticketed by Civil Enforcement Officer BBL559 because he
stopped on his own crossover point to open the gate to his drive. The CEO
demanded proof that the driver was entitled to stop in front of his own drive -
i.e. that the car and house was his and while the homeowner went indoors to find
some documents BBL559 left the scene and the driver with a trip to PATAS (Parking Adjudicator).
a visitor to Bexleyheath drove into town and noted that it was a ‘Controlled Parking
Zone’ from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Great, it was past 6:30 so OK to stop for a
The motorist picked her way very carefully through the temporary traffic lights of Arnsberg
Way and around the mess that is the Graham Road junction, all the while “making eye contact
with pedestrians” and the hazardous features which “encourage people to wander across the street”
- both being official quotes from Bexley council - and duly parked in a loading bay outside Wimpy
convinced that all was well because it was nearly 7 p.m. An expensive mistake.
The central area, whilst ringed by the the 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. zone, is
further restricted until 7 p.m. I walked the motorist’s route yesterday and there is
nothing to say the times are different in Broadway apart from a few small signs. If you had previously spotted the large 5:30 p.m. sign on the way in and have
not passed another large sign bearing any different time, why would anyone go
looking for more parking traps?
The lady’s email ends “I won’t be spending money in Bexleyheath again, and Wimpy has lost a
customer”. I have quite a lot of those now. Meanwhile Bexley council is in denial, I've seen
their latest excuse sheet.
† Nick wonders what sort of ‘business’ makes no
attempt to get repeat orders. Would Bexley council be so lax with
Council Tax reminders he asks. I think Nick overlooks one important point.
Non-payment of Council Tax may
result in a court penalty which goes to central government. Non renewal of
Parking Permits has the potential to offset the punitive costs of Bexley’s
inflated salaries. I know of one resident who forgot to renew and got three
tickets before receiving his permit. Uniquely in ‘business’, bad customer service
is a nice little earner for councils.
13 June (Part 1) - Officially recognised. A £3·5 million disaster zone
expressing alarm and disgust at what Bexley council has done to Broadway
continue to arrive. The complaints are generally safety related and some parents
have vowed not to take their children to Bexleyheath again on the grounds they
have taught them that they are safe on the paved areas and will get instantly
splatted if they venture on to the road. Now they cannot tell one from the other and Bluewater is the beneficiary.
Whilst everyone accepts Broadway looks passably OK, but not nearly as nice as the plans shown at
the public consultation,
it is widely regarded as a death trap. We have a road which looks like a dual carriageway
but isn’t, road markings that look like a Zebra crossing but is just a pretty pattern and
a dual carriageway with no preceding roundabout to guide traffic in the right direction.
To any qualified traffic engineer the dangers should have been blindingly obvious but no
one at Bexley council was clever enough to predict it.
Now the reality has hit them they have rushed into panic mode. Warning signs
everywhere. ‘No entry‘ reminders for motorists who see the Magic Roundabout as a T
junction - which by design it is. A warning that pedestrians may be crossing (it
doesn’t work, no one stopped for me) and a sign on the make believe dual carriageway
to say that it isn’t what it appears to be. Bexley’s senior staff get almost the highest
local authority salaries in the country proving you don’t have to pay peanuts to get monkeys.
correspondent is concerned about the ASDA crossing where the road is now
a right angled bend instead of the former gentle curve. This she says is forcing
buses into the middle of the road as it is not realistic to expect them to follow the outer contour precisely.
This forces eastbound traffic ever closer to the toes of waiting pedestrians. I shall watch
this more closely when I am next on site but meanwhile the tyre marks shown on the
associated photograph may indicate that this bend is indeed too sharp for the
constant procession of buses and was possibly designed by the idiot responsible for the
Wickham Lane roundabout.
In true Bonkers Bexley style, buses couldn’t get around it.
The Broadway scheme was
the brainchild of councillor Peter Craske, architect of
far too many of Bexley council’s transport disasters.
12 June - Didn’t they do well for themselves?
I have previously unfavourably contrasted the way that Bexley council advises residents of the large sums of money which finds its way into councillors’s pockets with the admirably clear manner in which Dartford council does the same thing. I am pleased to report that I won’t be able to do that again as a Dartford-style list has now been made available by Bexley council.
It is interesting to note that councillor Craske was paid £3,079 in additional allowances when he was only in his cabinet post for a month before “Personal Reasons” forced his premature exit. What the additional expenses were that some councillors claimed I imagine only a Freedom of Information request will discover.
11 June - Never trust a policeman
In January this year the father of a teenager assaulted and badly injured in a
school playground concluded
account of the Bexley police malpractice which wrecked any chance of a
prosecution. There were similarities between his experience of
Bexley police’s dishonesty and those of Elwyn Bryant and myself following
the internet crime traced to a councillor’s telephone line. The same
police officers were involved, both crimes were linked to friends and associates of
the investigating officers and the outcome was much the same. The victims were
either blamed or investigated for the crime committed against them. In layman's’
parlance, Bexley police corruptly organised a cover up.
The father whose story was published here remained anonymous at the time in
order to protect his son’s identity but after Boris Johnson’s Deputy Mayor for
Policing and Crime, Stephen Greenhalgh, refused to comment on the role played by
Bexley police, he decided to go public. As a result
the News Shopper has provided some welcome publicity for this further
example of serious wrong doing by Bexley police, primarily under Chief
Superintendent Dave Stringer.
I imagine that the need to maintain good relations with the police constrains
main-stream journalism somewhat but the Shopper’s report,
good though it is, doesn’t expose the underlying reason for Bexley police engineering
another of their cover ups. In the words of the injured boy’s father “the
investigating officer shared close friends with the assailant’s family”.
The Shopper obtained the following comment from Bexley police: “A line has now
been added to the crime report clarifying the victim’s position”. I much prefer
their response to the District Judge in Dartford County Court. “It is very
dangerous indeed to start requiring the police to correct their records, as this
would damage their integrity”. It is a nice clear statement that so far as
Bexley police is concerned, justice doesn’t matter so long as their pretence of
integrity is maintained.
Turning justice on its head would appear to be a Bexley police specialty.
Mrs. Grootendorst
who successfully exposed her victimisation by Bexley council in Bromley Crown
Court was arrested and charged by Bexley police for trying to retrieve property
stolen from her. During a scuffle she was knocked to the ground by the alleged
thief but it was she who found herself destined for an appearance before the beak while, she claims, the
police regularly dropped in for tea at the home of her assailant. Once again the
case collapsed for lack of evidence and two years later she is still in negotiations
with the police over her wrongful arrest and the storing of her DNA samples.
I am reluctant to publish police stories which do not have at the very least, a tenuous connection
to Bexley council, but the comments that continue to arrive very strongly suggest that just
because Stringer and Olisa have been transferred to other unfortunate boroughs does not
mean that Bexley police is now under good and honest management.
10 June (Part 2) - Respect - and the lack thereof
yesterday’s unveiling at the Bexleyheath Clocktower a councillor
asked me in a roundabout way how I was going to report the event. “Respectfully” I said, there is a time and a place for criticism and
ridicule and a quasi-Royal event is not one of them.
I was surprised at how few councillors had bothered to put in an appearance. I’m
sure some would have had long standing commitments elsewhere and family
responsibilities, but half of them? It seems a bit far fetched that so many were
occupied elsewhere but a council employee with whom I struck up a conversation
told me they were only expecting 30 to 35 to be there. My own photographs
clearly show only 26, there may have been a few more.
this shows a lack of respect cannot be judged without full knowledge of
the facts, but an absentee rate of 50% or more at such a prestigious event seems a little strange to me.
A reader has been having similar thoughts about the respect issue and sent me some photos
to illustrate his point. As you can see from the small selection here, councillors were
immaculately turned out. Colin Campbell instinctively knew that his aversion to
neckwear was not appropriate when meeting the Queen. Betting man Peter Craske was wearing
his Ascot Royal Enclosure suit while seeking out friends in the crowd and a well
tailored James Hunt was happily handing out song sheets for those who had
forgotten the words of the National Anthem; but standing there like a man dragged
unwillingly from his bed, was cabinet and GLA member Gareth Bacon. Tieless, open necked, blue
sports jacket, brown trousers and black shoes. Off with his bloody head!
my correspondent says; whatever was he thinking of?
Note: The photograph of James Hunt is my own. Remainder by Disgusted of Thamesmead
(AKA Brian Barnett.).
10 June (Part 1) - Bexley parking services. On your side
The News Shopper carried a story
two months ago set in Appold Street, Erith where Bexley’s parking contractor, NSL,
thought it was a sensible and considerate thing to do to park their car in a Disabled
bay while two not very Civil Enforcement Officers went walkabout down the street issuing
penalty notices where they could.
In Welling High Street Bexley’s gestapo wagons frequently lurk late at night
monitoring anyone who might be tempted to slip into one of the struggling small
businesses for a pint of milk or a take-away. I’ve
seen them hiding in their camouflage grey vehicles between other parked
cars watching a bus stop across the road.
Hiding between parked cars at night without visible warning signs is arguably
sneaky. Their legal obligation is to try to eliminate illegal parking not raise as
much money as possible. A small piece of cardboard strapped to a lamp post is
barely adequate at the best of times, let alone late in the evening and at last
the message seems to have got through to the numbskulls who run Bexley’s parking services.
In a new initiative to give ample warning to errant motorists without the need
to tape notices to lamp posts they have hit upon a very effective solution.
Occupy the bus stop themselves. Sheer genius, what could be simpler?
So that Bexley council and NSL can identify their star employee (just visible in
his blue shirted uniform in Photo 3) the vehicle registration number and photo
details are provided (location on bus stop, click to enlarge). Surely such a bold
initiative should not be allowed to go unrewarded?
Photo by a Welling resident.
9 June - Mayor on display in public for first time - and a new bust of the Queen gets a look in
were very few people standing outside Christ Church waiting for the great, the
good and the downright disreputable to emerge and there was not a single Union
Jack or rotten tomato to be seen. By the Clocktower things were very different,
still nothing red or white or blue in evidence, apart from the big flag draped
across the Clocktower, but there was a much bigger turn out than
last year
and every space was occupied by those anxious to find a view not obscured by a policeman.
Few will have succeeded but it was nevertheless a thoroughly good show so far as one could judge from the back of the crowd
and a sound system not good enough for the non-military voices.
the precision arrangements Bexley council should presumably thank their organiser Dave Easton,
Bexley council’s Head of Member Services, who was frequently seen directing
proceedings with waving arms and walkie-talkie.
Mayor Sharon Massey looked alternately apprehensive and serious but nevertheless
made a fine sight in all her robes and regalia.
I attended not just because she looked cute or because the parade is an important civic event,
especially this year, but for the opportunity to restock on photos of councillors. Since they are so
keen not to be photographed at other times it seems only just that they should get
the attention of a moderately long lens (135mm for the technically inclined) while on their best behaviour at events such as this.
It should be said that several of them take this in good part, including some whose names might
surprise you - and quite a lot don’t.
After marching from Christchurch to the Clocktower and some commendably short speeches Major David Hewer pulled the string. Everything
worked perfectly after which the assembled throng was encouraged to sing the National Anthem.
Few could be heard despite Bexley council having gone to the trouble of printing and
distributing the words, second verse and all!
Deputy Mayor
Geraldene Lucia-Hennis was happy to mingle with the crowds after formalities ended looking
rather more relaxed than Mayor Sharon who rapidly disappeared into her limo. But then she
didn’t have the weight of responsibility on her shoulders and has a pub to go back to.
8 June - Queen Elizabeth comes to Bexleyheath tomorrow
is the day of the Civic Parade, the highlight of which will be the unveiling of
a £20,000 bust of the Queen which will fill one of the remaining two empty plinths on the Clocktower.
The main events will be the church service (Christ Church, Broadway) at 10:30 a.m. after which there
will be a march to the Clocktower where the bust will be unveiled by Major David Hewer OBE.
With any luck someone will have remembered to wind up the clock, it wasn’t working when these pictures
were taken on 2nd June.
7 June (Part 2) - Hypocrisy and irony
council seems incapable of getting on with its neighbours in Greenwich or for that matter its residents.
The former first became obvious to me two years ago when councillor Peter Craske said that a Greenwich councillor had
his County Gate proposals for his own selfish and personal reasons. He made the
front page of the News Shopper but his complaint later proved to be groundless.
Since then they have fallen out with Greenwich over the Thames crossing proposals and
ridiculed their supposed high parking charges when the truth was that all Greenwich
shopping centres were cheaper for parking than Bexley’s. Craske is involved with both issues.
More recently Greenwich put in speed humps near Glenmore Road (which is in Bexley) and
strayed over the boundary. Instead of reaching an amicable agreement with Greenwich council,
Bexley upset their own residents by insisting Greenwich rip the offending humps away.
Now Bexley Conservatives are
using their website to highlight another spat with Greenwich.
Greenwich council wants to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone around Avery Hill
near Falconwood station which is very close to the Bexley boundary. Bexley
claims, perhaps with justification, that it will displace parking into Bexley
and they have organised one of their petitions. (It’s a pity
they don’t accept residents’ petitions.)
The solution, some might say, is for Bexley council to put a CPZ on its side of
the border but that isn’t possible because Bexley has a policy of no more new CPZs.
They may have realised that charging three times as much as the previous Labour
administration to park outside your own home is not a vote winner.
Bexley council’s preferred solution to the Falconwood conundrum is to invoke the same law to try to
stop Greenwich council in its tracks that Greenwich used against Bexley two years ago and was labelled
“disgraceful” for its pains by Peter Craske. Now he is one of the councillors behind the new campaign.
Clearly Craske doesn’t do irony.
is needed is for reasonable people to sit down together and work these
things out in a civilised fashion, but Bexley’s ‘swivel eyed loons’ regard
everyone on Greenwich council as ‘loony left Trotskyists’. Instead of doing what
is right for residents they would rather use their party website to score political points.
The reference to residents in the opening sentence is an allusion to a debate being played out
on the News Shopper’s website.
No one there likes Bexley council either, but I am a little concerned that ‘batey’ will soon
find herself in the hands of the cops. Her remarks seemed just a little too close to ‘pitchforks
and flaming torches’ to me. Maybe, as before, I will find myself threatened with
arrest just for repeating it.
there is one word that sums up Bexley council, or maybe I should say Bexley’s
Conservative leadership, it is secrecy and lies. OK, that’s two words but
whichever you choose the other flows naturally from it.
Over recent months political parties have been choosing their candidates for
next May’s elections and smaller parties and independents have been considering
where they might stand the best chance of causing an upset. Some have addressed
direct reselection questions to their existing councillors and party associations and the
responses have fallen into three categories. I’m not telling you, the decision
has not yet been taken, and no reply.
It’s all too predictable for a council or local party with much to hide and as
the elections loom, much to fear.
Across the borough borders things are different. Greenwich Tories have begun to put their
candidates names for May 2014 on their website. Going in the other
direction, Dartford Conservatives put the mobile numbers of their councillors on
the party’s website. Contrast that to the secretive liars of Bexley who claim
Section 32 Exemptions to the Localism Act to allow them to remain as close to
anonymous as legally possible.
Here in Bexley, the Conservative party’s websites continue to carry little but
lies and propaganda, either about opposition councillors (Labour claim there is
no railway station in Bexleyheath) or Greenwich council - the latest of which
probably requires a blog of its own.
Despite the secrecy, a very few details of possible councillor moves has drifted in my direction. They are that…
Councillors Sandra Bauer (Labour), Colin Campbell, Ross Downing, Katie Perrior and Mike Slaughter
will not stand for re-election.
Cabinet member John Fuller will slip across to Christchurch ward replacing James Spencer
whose fate is unknown. The very marginal Lesnes Abbey ward is a near
certainty for a Conservative wipe out.
Chris Taylor, personally responsible for so much
misery in the care services, is
said to be replacing Katie Perrior in Blackfen & Lamorbey. Presumably
care costs have finally proved too much for this successful business woman.
I must emphasise some of the above is little more than
tittle-tattle from a variety of sources and some one wouldn’t have
predicted. Another message told me that Alan Downing picked up
the £4,260 sinecure
of Cabinet/Scrutiny Liaison Member but I still haven’t found confirmation of
that in publicly available records.
It’s not much to report but Teresa O’Neill runs a very secretive ship, she has a lot to hide.
6 June (Part 3) - County Gate, CPZ permits, Phone only parking, Broadway. One common factor - Peter Craske
One of my correspondents says about the Broadway rejuvenation, “councillor Gareth Bacon is publicly responsible for the Environment and Public Realm”…
While the Broadway is Frizoni's professional disaster, it is councillor
Gareth Bacon who is publicly responsible as cabinet member for the Environment
and Public Realm. He, one of the highest paid councillors in the UK (if you take
in the GLA), is ultimately responsible as he signs off Frizoni's plans. His £76k
is more than Teresa Pearce MP on £65k.
and he is now for his sins, but the real crime was as you might expect,
perpetrated by councillor Peter Craske. His name is all over the original documentation.
It was Craske
who was supposed to present his scheme at the Public Realm Scrutiny
Committee meeting on 21st June 2012 but he was unavoidably detained by Police Commander
Victor Olisa who was too new to the borough to know that you are not supposed to do that
sort of thing to council members - he soon learned.
In his absence someone else made the presentation, someone from the design
consultants if I remember correctly, and everyone was suitably impressed, me
included. At the time I said “David Bryce-Smith
(Deputy Director (Development, Housing and Community Safety) is
master-minding the project which given the disasters
imposed on other parts of town, the obstacle courses, the non-negotiable
roundabouts and artificially created congestion, whether it be his scheme or Frizoni’s,
it doesn’t bode well, but on paper at least the latest wheeze looks rather nice”.
it did look nice, nicer than the reality because the colours have been lost along the way.
Craske’s report said that residents and businesses had been consulted; “the
report was placed on the council’s website … A consultation leaflet was
produced and distributed, explaining the purpose and nature of the scheme. A
short questionnaire was included for completion. Exhibitions of the drawings
were held at the Bexleyheath Central Library, the Broadway shopping mall and the
Civic Offices.”
I confess I didn’t notice and the council report does not reveal how many did.
But suffice to say the pretty pictures and promise of more trees were
“welcomed”. How many respondents were qualified traffic flow design engineers
will for ever remain a mystery. Craske had all the evidence he needed to splash
£3·5 million on his legacy to Bexleyheath.
It may have been better to stop and think how one might guide traffic coming
from two directions on to the left side of a dual carriageway. A roundabout would do the
trick, but a town square? No I don’t think so.
traffic that has safely traversed two ‘shared spaces’ picking its way through
pedestrians slowly but surely; why should it expect the third shared space to be any
different? It looks the same as the other two, why is slowly and surely not good
enough for this one?
The straight road with a wide central reservation looks like a dual carriageway.
Some drivers will believe it is a dual carriageway and drive accordingly.
Did none of councillor Craske’s staff think about that? Surely he should have
worked it out for himself but maybe he spends so much time defending gambling
for his employers he sees life itself as a game of chance.
Maybe as this morning’s correspondent says,
it really is time that this miserable shower of self-serving wastrels were given the order of the Bexley Boot.
As usual, click any image for enlarged copies - and see how different the plan
put before residents is from what has been delivered.
6 June (Part 2) - Broadway balance
things up to embellish a blog entry would be a very silly thing to do.
Being found out would damage any credibility built up over several years. If
some readers knew the statement that (aesthetics excepted)
absolutely no one has
commented favourably on Broadway was untrue because they had written in praise of it, the
rot would set in. Proving yourself a liar may be Bexley council’s way but I don’t want it to be mine.
However in the quest for total honesty I must now admit that a plus point for
Broadway has been submitted. I give it to you totally unedited to see if you agree…
I have a favourable comment: surely to goodness this fiasco will finally make
the people of Bexley see sense, and sweep this miserable lot out of power at
next year’s elections.
I trust this will bring joy to all those councillors who fell for councillor
Peter Craske’s promise of “People-friendly,
business-friendly, better streets”. For it is the
phone parking genius and parking permit price tripler who takes the credit for
what we see today in Broadway, not the current incumbent of the Public Realm hot
seat, Gareth Bacon.
6 June (Part 1) - Ring any BELLs?
predictions of imminent death on Broadway were excluded from
yesterday’s readers’ comments.
To do otherwise might be tempting fate and one reason for publishing the Broadway pictures is
to try to make things safer by illustrating that putting your baby and buggy into the path of a
bus is not a good idea. The Broadway scheme may not have intended to put lives
in danger but that is what ill thought out plans and policies tend to do.
Could Bexley council’s budget cuts be a case in point? They happily squander a
£3·5 million grant on a Magic Roundabout and equally happily cut services
wherever they can, especially those hidden from most people’s view.
delivery of hot meals to the housebound disabled,
squeezing the domiciliary care budget
paying staff at a minimum level and nothing for travelling while on duty. And
budget cuts to care home
providers which forced some to halve wages. Could these hidden cuts result in death too?
What if a reduced budget caused staff cuts to the point that vital
personnel are left on duty alone and then they fall ill, or simply need the loo?
And just at the wrong moment, the alarm sounds while they are locked in the lavatory.
What if an elderly Tom, Dick or Barbara closely confined in their little haven of care
pressed the emergency button in vain which no one heard because the call of nature
took precedence? And someone died.
Suppose something like that happened in Bexley; what do you think they might do?
My guess based on recent history is that the bean counter who created the fatal situation
would immediately sack the person who went to the toilet. The police would take an
interest in an unexplained death but drop the case as soon as they realised their
friends in the council were implicated and the council would stonewall the family.
FOIs would claim ‘not in the public interest’ immunity. Then when the case died down a
manager would get promoted and the responsible councillor would be manoeuvred
into a safer seat to preserve his skin at the next election.
Just wondering, obviously, things like that simply don’t
happen in Teresa Town; or do they?
5 June (Part 2) - Readers have their say
‘Rejuvenated’ Broadway has caused an unprecedented number of people to reach for
their keyboards and you may wish to read what fellow readers are saying.
There has been no favourable comment to report but with a minimum of editing,
the brickbats may be seen below…
Photo 1: The metal studs in the road (see reader’s comment below). Photo 2: Only day two but already covered in oil. Photo 3: It’s a circus out there! (Click any to enlarge.)
• My office window overlooks the new roundabout. I am wasting far too much
time looking at the chaos unfolding below. Mesmerising.
• The paved strip in the middle of the road is viewed by pedestrians
as a refuge. I had to completely straddle this while passing
parked cars thereby coming into conflict with oncoming traffic who
see the black tarmac they are on as ‘their side’. I can see some frayed tempers
and broken bones on the horizon when there are a couple of buses parked opposite
a delivery lorry.
• Driving past ASDA I thought the casual visitor might go straight up the
pedestrianised area. There was a nice big gap in front of me, nothing to say I
had to turn left and nothing to say I couldn’t continue on.
• I was heading towards where the roundabout used to be. There are no give
way signs, no clues as to right of way and a strip design to encourage pedestrians
to walk out into the traffic.
• You asked what is the expenditure of £3·5 million supposed to do for Bexleyheath?
My answer is “nothing”. Do shoppers decide where to shop based on the
prettiness of the pavements, the street furniture, the nice shiny new tarmac, etc? Or do
they base their decision on the fine selection of shops, the availability of parking
space/cost, etc. I think I know the answer there.
• This nonsense regeneration type stuff is a waste of time. Yes, it
looks much nicer, but at £3·5 million for a little bit of
visual attractiveness off-set by months of inconvenience? No thanks!!
• I am stuck on a bus which has taken 37 minutes to get from the bus garage to the
Clocktower due to some incident in Arnsberg Way. Been speaking to the driver. His concern
is the central reservation, the cobble bit in the middle. People are waiting on this to
cross the road. Which makes sense, as in normal crossing of roads one would wait on the
central refuge. How long before an accident happens?
• The idiots run the asylum.
• Your photos today [5th June] highlight all you need to know. £3·5 million
wasted. Farce!
• What a shocking waste of money! I think a lot of people have got fed up with the
queues caused by the roadworks and gone to Bluewater, where there is a better
selection of shops and free parking. I don't think a change in road surface in
Bexleyheath will pull in the crowds!
• I don't know if you noticed the metal studs, marking out the crossing. These are
dome shaped, in the wet this poses a risk to motorcyclists. Metal studs were historically
used at old ‘Belisha’ style crossings, but flat ones; and even they weren’t good.
• The ASDA corner is now a much sharper turn. As you are aware from other
roadwork schemes Bexley Highways Dept. does not understand vehicle
steering geometry and that when making a sharp turn the rear wheels
follow a much tighter curve than the front wheels. This applies to all vehicles
but is especially pronounced for buses.
• They have left the bus stop which was opposite ASDA down by the Albion Road
magic roundabout. Residents who live the other side of Albion Road used to
cut through between Primark and the Pizza Place when catching a bus to the
station. Now they may as well continue walking.
• I haven't been to Bexleyheath shopping since the road works started. I've got
into the ‘Bluewater habit’ and given this new road layout it’s a pedestrian accident
waiting to happen, I have no plans to change that. Parking in Bluewater is free,
there is plenty of it and the shops are better and more plentiful than BH. Add to
that the anti-car policy of the LBB Parking Gestapo - Pay
By Phone (have they actually ever used it?) and the 15 minutes extra on the A2 to
Bluewater is actually cheaper than going to Bexleyheath. Sorry Bexleyheath - you won't
be seeing my money for a long long time.
• A bus came around the corner and its rear wheels very nearly ran
over my toes. With no separation or protection for pedestrians this is an
accident waiting to happen. Perhaps next time it will be a child in a pushchair
pulled under the rear wheels of a bus. Would Mr. Frizoni like that on his
conscience - assuming he has one of course?
• £3·5 million would be better spent on reducing parking costs and
improving its availability. Offering free rental to businesses might have boosted
Broadway as a shopping centre; cobbles won’t. Better still, use some of the money
to give Bedonwell School a proper pavement.
• All buses used to come around to one of the three adjacent stops by the Clocktower
thereby enabling hopping on the first suitable one to come along. Now the powers that be have
diverted some routes to the Arnsberg Way bus stand area. This cannot be seen from the Clocktower
(or vice versa) so it is no longer possible to catch the first bus of whichever route goes your way.
• I’m thinking the painted cycles on the road is a prediction of what a bicycle will
look like after it has been run over by a car.
• Great postings today [4th June], chaos as any sensible person could have predicted. A
question; does no one in Bexley council drive?
• The only good thing to come out of all this is that the empty shop units can now
be filled with solicitors specialising in personal injury claims.
Plus one or two held over because they require a response or correction.
As stated above, there has been no favourable comment. If you have one, apart
from it maybe looking better, please send it in. Everyone else has missed it.
5 June (Part 1) - Toe the line or lose yours
The new crossing outside the ASDA superstore is a technically better one than what went before
but unfortunately it doesn’t make for safety, not with Bexley council’s design skills and the
way too many people are using it anyway.
Lulled into a false sense of security by a pavement that appears to extend right across
the road with nothing but some red stones to designate the edge of the road, people on phones,
with buggies, on sticks and with friends alongside to talk to, assume magical immunity from being bumped up
their rear ends. And it doesn’t help that a few drivers don’t even notice the red lights.
Bus drivers must hate it, sooner or later someone is going to come a cropper - oh, I forgot,
someone already has.
Note: all images enlarge when clicked.
4 June (Part 2) - Is it a roundabout, a T junction or a dodgem car rink?
think I am fairly well acquainted with the theory that says if you deliberately make a road
unsafe it may force users to be more careful and reduce accidents. Around 30 years ago I had
a neighbour and commuting companion who worked for the Ministry of Transport (as I think it
was then) who explained it all to me when I commented on a new roundabout which obscured views from all directions.
Then four years ago when Bexley council
made Belvedere’s B213 very much narrower
than before they referred me to a Transport Research Laboratory report which
said reduced widths could make roads safer. Through family connections I managed
to get the head of the department that wrote that report to come and look at
Bexley and to summarise, he said, “yes it’s true but you have to do it right and
your council doesn’t even seem to have tried”.
I suspect this is the crux of the matter in Broadway. Would you trust Mike Frizoni
(Deputy Director of Public Realm Management) to get anything right? I’ve asked the same
road safety consultant about what has been happening in Broadway and he was very guarded
in his reply. Basically the jury is still out. The advocates of ‘shared space’ will rustle
up favourable statistics and the doubters will do the reverse.
This blog liked the look of
the original Broadway plans
but the proof of the pudding will be in the crashing. Has Bexley council taken sufficient account of
human failings? Today’s observations suggest not.
I accept the work isn’t really finished, Broadway has been rushed open to ensure that
Teresa O’Neill can strut her stuff along fresh tarmac at
next Sunday’s Civic
Parade. As a result the present situation is dangerously incomplete. Approaching the
horizontal dartboard outside Trinity Chapel from the East there is no indication whatever
that you are about to encounter a roundabout (Photo 1 below). This error is compounded
by a yellow sign that tells you to go straight on, and as if there is not enough
confusion the entrance to Albion Road is open but marked by a large No Entry sign (Photo 3). This
is confusing no end of people especially those approaching the road from the
West (Welling and Crook Log). Around 10% of vehicles coming from that direction were doing U
turns. (†) Others were veering to their right and then going straight on.
A senior council officer has confirmed to me that they expect problems at the
outset but “people will get used to it”. What other organisation would foist an
unsafe product on their ‘customers’ and be content to see them suffer injuries
because their design work was faulty or manufacture incomplete? What happens to strangers
to the town who have no chance to “get used to it”? Are they expendable?
If a pedestrian wants to head further West there are currently no authorised
legal crossings points to achieve it as the man attempting a diagonal crossing
found to his cost. He had to run back.
I said to one lady who had stopped to give her views, “How long before the first accident?” She said I'd missed it. A woman was hit by a bus a couple of days ago on the ASDA crossing because she thought the crossing was all part of the pavement.
Despite the stripes, the image above is not of a pedestrian crossing. Drivers are not obliged to stop. I saw the driver of a 422 bus use his horn at two old men who weren’t nippy enough for his liking. As you can see, people wander across anywhere engaged in texting on their phones.
Because Bexley council hasn’t thought to tell westbound drivers whether a
roundabout or a T junction lies ahead, drivers don’t know who has priority. The
drivers of the cars in the final photograph above had stopped to yell choice
words at each other. As I walked away I missed getting a picture of one vehicle
coming from the Welling direction which (correctly?) followed the coloured circle into
Albion Road, being overtaken by another which took the more direct route across the
‘bulls eye’. As a man said to me while watching the chaos, “what happens when it snows
and there is no roundabout?” Sorry, that is far too technical a question for someone
like Mike Frizoni. Please respect his limited abilities.
ASDA crossing pictures tomorrow. Silly people risking life and limb and babes in buggies.
Note: all images enlarge when clicked.
† Some will have exited Church Road which does not allow a right turn. The old roundabout allowed
a simple reversal but now it looks like a dangerous U turn.
4 June (Part 1) - Accident waiting to happen
eight people contacted me about Sunday’s pictures
of the ‘revitalisation’ of Broadway. Every one of them was complaining; not about the
pictures but what was variously described as a glorious waste of money to an accident waiting to happen.
I was away yesterday but today I managed to get to Broadway to take another look. It was fascinating
and occasionally shocking. Some people cross roads pushing buggies, yapping on the phone or enveloped
in a headphone induced trance without being aware of the dangers all around them.
While loitering with intent to take photographs, I overheard many conversations about the new road and absolutely none were
complimentary. I mentioned to a few people who stopped to chat the cost of £3·5 million,
and there was a general preference for fixing potholes instead. Shopkeepers were
particularly upset having suffered serious trade loss and denied compensations.
As one said, we are never going to get the money back, people have got into
the Bluewater habit and no one will be queuing up to see a few oil stained road blocks.
Later today a lot more photographs will form a Part 2 blog.
2 June (Part 2) - Urban clearway
The Broadway was open for two way traffic this morning just in time to be shut again for
next Sunday’s Civic Parade. Maybe I was taken in by the
magnificent artists’ impressions (†)
but I find myself a little underwhelmed by it. What is the expenditure of £3·5 million supposed to do for Bexleyheath?
Make it more attractive to shoppers presumably, but having seen that black expanse of fresh
black tarmac pretty much devoid of traffic I couldn’t help thinking it looked rather like an
airport runway stretching towards the distant Shooters Hill. Casual parkers won’t be too
happy, I noticed four spaces for blue badge holders but the rest were loading only.
The demarcation between road and footpath leaves something to be desired - see
photos five and six - and I imagine that in slippery conditions straddling the
tarmac and the cobblestones will test anti-lock braking systems to their limits.
Maybe it’s not finished, but it isn’t clear what those bicycle markings are all about.
Click any picture (and then the left/right arrows for more) for enlarged views.
Note: The Broadway is not an Urban Clearway as may be implied by the title, but it is a
Restricted Parking Zone. Basically, if you have no Blue Badge, forget it and go somewhere else.
Compare the artists’ impressions
with the photos above; the road is nothing like the same colour for a start.
2 June (Part 1) - Down by the riverside
gods looked more kindly on Erith’s Riverside Festival this year than last when it
was a total washout.
Organiser Garry Taylor and his team once again did a fine job. I asked
him if Bexley council had given any help but he gave little away
apart from dark mutterings about ’elf ‘n’ safety.
I spotted councillor Edward Boateng among the crowds, and separately Erith &
Thamesmead MP, Teresa Pearce; not quite unrecognisable behind a rather glamorous
pair of shades. Garry said that councillor Peter Catterall was expected later.
This event is sure to be better reported by
Hugh Neal on his Erith blog before the day is out, so keep an eye open for his pictures.
P.S. If you visit Hugh’s blog… I have always hated wearing sunglasses and should
never have allowed SpecSavers to sell me Reactolights. Never again, I can barely see to cross the
road on a bright day. And that's my bus pass in my shirt pocket whatever you might think.
1 June - Secrecy always prevails
A common theme that runs through the way Bexley council chooses to conduct its
affairs is secrecy; why is open to conjecture. There have been indications
that it is to hide illegal activity for which the simplest defence is to crack
down on all information, just to be sure nothing incriminating leaks out.
Probably complete openness would embarrass those councillors who are in it only
for the networking and money making opportunities their position provides. A
simple example is the matter of their own allowances.
As reported two
weeks ago, in order to fully comply with their legal obligations, Dartford council
published the name of every single one of their councillors in the local
newspapers alongside what job they do and the money they are paid to do it. Last
week Bexley council made their own lame attempt to do the same.
Hidden away on page 56 of last Wednesday’s News Shopper was the list of
allowances seen on the left - only smaller.
Nowhere is there any indication of who gets what. Don’t bother looking at
councillors’ Register of Interests, there is nothing there. The only way you can
dig the information out is to search meeting agendas and even then it is not all
in one place, some is in separately published appendices to agendas.
Clearly Bexley council is none too keen on making the information public, which presents
a unique selling point for this website.
All but one of the allowances listed in the table have been allocated to the names
on Bonkers’ list of councillors so you can quickly see who is pocketing what.
The list is available in
alphabetic sequence or
electoral ward sequence. The
content of both is identical because all the information is pulled in the chosen
sequence from a common source.
Despite much scouring of documents I have yet to discover who is the lucky
recipient of £4,260 for being the councillor responsible for Cabinet/Scrutiny
Click image to double to enlarge.